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    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Portland, OR
    291 Post(s)
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    =VX9= Drunken Battle Friday!

    Spring break is coming to an end for many, maybe getting started for others. Wherever you fall it's still a Friday and another opportunity to spend time with your gaming brothers and sisters. Another DBF of great activities, here is the slate for this week.

    Alpha Company

    It's a Turkey Shoot! If you aren't familiar with this one, a pair of people (driver & sharpshooter) will battle it out against other teams trying to score the most kills. Only the sharpshooter can fire weapons but the driver can rack up some road kills! Event runs from 8-10pm EST, check out the Alpha DBF topic for more info.

    India Company

    The feature game this week is Space Engineers and will begin at 9pm EST. Players will have 10 minutes to build a ship in creative mode. The last ship to survive wins! For more info or to enter their raffle, check out the India DBF topic.

    Nova Company

    Nova is running a raffle this week, to enter go to the Nova DBF topic.

    Omega Company

    It's Paintball this week for Omega! Meet at [REDACTED] at 9:30pm EST. Please read the Omega DBF topic for additional rules or to enter their raffle.

    Phoenix Company

    They didn't get to plow through red crosses last week but the thirst for Sansha blood still remains. Hoping for some escalations, meet in [REDACTED] @ 7:30pm EST in your choice of Battlecruiser or Battleship. Check out the Phoenix DBF topic for more info or to enter their raffle.

    Thunder Company

    Thunder is running a few events this week. Things will kick off at 9pm EST with a Russians vs Germans air battle (tiers 1 & 2). After that King of the Base will be played. Fighters will be placed in a capture the base match where not guns/rockets/bombs are allowed. That's right, cap ftw. Third up is SPAA race, tier 1 or 2 race to the finish! To enter their raffle or check out the details, visit the Thunder DBF topic.

    Zulu Company

    It's People's Choice for Zulu this week. There are a couple of new events on the list as well as some of the old staples. Event starts at 8pm EST, more details to follow so keep an eye on the Zulu DBF topic.


    We have 3 prizes to win this week: 1x game code, 1x Koozie & 1x Decal
    Guess a number between 50-100. Numbers closest to allocated prize will win, tie breaker goes to lowest of the two numbers.

    Remember to drink and game! Responsibly.

    Last edited by Dunkelschatten; 03-27-2015 at 12:02 PM.

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