
Community Medals
Ribbon Medal Name / Description
Medal of Honor Medal of Honor Medal of Honor
Awarded for commendable service to =VX9= above and beyond the call of duty. This is awarded at the discretion of Senior =VX9= Officers only.

Members who received this award: 1
Distinguished Service Medal Distinguished Service Medal Distinguished Service Medal
Awarded to any person who, while serving in any capacity with =VX9=, has distinguished himself or herself by exceptional meritorious services to the community in a duty of great responsibility.

Meritorious Service Medal Meritorious Service Medal Meritorious Service Medal
Awarded to members of =VX9= who distinguished themselves by outstanding voluntary service.

Honor Guard Medal Honor Guard Medal Honor Guard Medal
Awarded to any member who has served in the military.

Members who received this award: 190
GhostCell , Hightower , Shady , Warthog , cryos , PiG , Samurai , GreenEyed , usiris , Penguin , herpesore , pieces , DiRTyTuRTLe , Bodasmoke , RobotMosh , Silentsteel101 , sibu , 9Fivebravo , Ge0kolmi0 , shadowolf , fireseal , Knoxx , Falcon , Maddogicus , slider1578 , USMCSecretSquirrel , Slayer2218 , D4em0nd , ANTI-HERO , Eifwen , RedMonster , Tawmcruize , Detonated , DirtyOxyClean , LuRcH , CharlieTriGuy , J_REB , moeron88 , SadisticGrunt , NatGarro , CounterAttack22 , CounterEv , Wesker , Arbius V'Talik , kleinekai , Imposingtoast , riggss9405 , ISpeakJive , sufak , Chief , NavyJonathan , Edison Severasse , Angry Cub , CSM1 , silenthitter , Von Reinthaler , EvvoSO , DitchRich , Ziriix , chuckluss , Dragule , XanderBawss , Azumazi , zaxpower , Guitarzan , Hobo , Beaches , Warmaniac4212 , StanEustisSmith , Wargramps , Starshine , Deathwand , lurkinwilli , wicked , mike6512 , Jimbos87 , Ziam12 , Vlad , Whiteboy , NorthernDrifter , SonOfDilbert , MagenShae , Cyborg75 , Shoronk , jesterofmetal , Mattrik , Tigger2017 , November109 , rottenglory , TineSionnach , Cowboy_Killer_463 , Recon$ilenceR , Kaz , KRYPT3CH , Blank , BrodoSwaggins , Josappy , SubZeroZid , Mr.Rabbit , Destry , Wilson , Yebbert , bubbastump , Hiroshin , Barman , Philimon , DthJester , ClericSandman , Lucasoar , Shawnzee , Bernout , Seabeezer , Morgra , Killersoldier1 , TheMondayKiller , insertfoot , sovelis025 , Radzik , Konfliction , RainbowDash379 , Willie , Steady_Shot , Jamey.Tubbs , burpsnart74 , Eckomob , TinyMarine , Archangel051 , RossaLuna , SubOhms , XBombtek , Unclepappy , enlyghten , seabees24 , Zealot_26 , Bjorntaler , Kahmu84 , ArmyAl , AntiHero007 , IKECVBG , cchap , JimC_ , Arnwulf , Wolfhound73 , Sigismund , Squidage , DVMARK_GFyourself , Cricket Soldier , .SpydeR , Zerbbz , GN-X , WusteHase , PWNINLIKEABOSS , abelzw , ItsDoctorJ , RoyalRage , Franch , KnightmareMoon , 2Step , Blighty , callmeGee , Den0 , Webneko , SPQA_Legion , THB_TX , _Taylor , Kalevel , PheeniXRisin , Kestanen , BTDT , BoboTeBaggins , HeroOfStalingrad , Clutch , B1RTHDAY , Sono34 , Divorious , Forbidden , Mr. Ruf , DeathTec , Squirrellyeagle , Ralph , THE DUDE , Casper , ScaryT , Blosh_It_Up_ , AnchorSnake , BabyDuckie92 , Catwrestler , UristMcJungler , LetsGetItCrackn , Truewierdo
Request Award
Recommend Award
Recruiting Medal Recruiting Medal Recruiting Medal
Awarded to any member who has performed as a =VX9= recruiter.

Joint Service Commendation Medal Joint Service Commendation Medal Joint Service Commendation Medal
Awarded to members of =VX9= who distinguished themselves by outstanding non-combat voluntary service.

No member has this award
Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal
Awarded to any =VX9= member who have voluntarily contributed to the growth and stability of =VX9= through monetary contributions.

Members who received this award: 239
Maniac , BigDawg , Ripper , PapaBear , Jamooz , MaDLiNgO , CdnAirborne , GimP , Kindbud , Ab|es , Warpig007 , ABEL , spanky , Warthog , rahzel , Hollowpoint , GenSeneca , Domn8r , WalPOW , JeSter , LastMan101 , Carver , Dojan , LionusRex , R.A.T.X8 , PiG , Samurai , WarChick , AlphaWolf , Stryker , GreenEyed , R3ruN , Surge , Sm0k3d_2 , Bravetoaster , usiris , Penguin , xBEERx , herpesore , pieces , DiRTyTuRTLe , Bodasmoke , acidic , Silentsteel101 , silvwarrior , Fazed , Stankyl3g , Bang , shadowolf , darkmatter , fireseal , Big Kahuna , Carm , ThePh3nom , Th3PurpleSmurf , couch982 , DrewwDogg , Haus , Vormex , Hugostiglitz , Azure , syrus64209 , Animus41 , Dunkelschatten , Falcon , Arretez , slider1578 , WidowMaker , IceMarbles , Slayer2218 , RedMonster , muldreck , Detonated , strobe1965 , CharlieTriGuy , moeron88 , Stockwrangler , LT SHARKIN , CounterAttack22 , Dano , BIGxJAKE , Porkchopz , KillH4wk , xeno360 , Dessel , LowBridge , Oopsidied , John_Bigbootay , Wesker , TehShortbus , SilentDragon , Lawlikaust , 8Bitties , Cheekaay , ISpeakJive , Unknown , The Creepler , Chief , Bigbadpete54 , NavyJonathan , Angry Cub , Cert , Mac , Von Reinthaler , ShadyBastard , Shreeden , northofnowhere , EvvoSO , Major Woopaz , Paul_On_Mars , Broncs , Savage , BeerGolf , TheMaxedout , Lothior , Khal_Thrax , Hobo , Bloodsport , Karmie , youalrightbro , Buckwild , aristriah , Sirs81 , Starshine , GARKKeepars , lurkinwilli , Micah , wicked , mike6512 , lee1984 , PKxANCIENT , Jimbos87 , acunningone , Ziam12 , EliZacharias , RedneckCasanova , Crypto7 , Sakkara , Drunkjedi , Ayumi , PropheC , Zer0Dark30 , Whiteboy , Thorold35 , NorthernDrifter , dj shawn , HeplMeh , Baconalia , Mattrik , yurisan , cursivearmy , Depletion , WAKA , smokingdutch , Yaa Yaa , Takeover , Breech , Bowgetta , Zephyr041 , Turb , rottenglory , Peyton , TJPowers10 , Hanz_Von_Umpsy , Green_V1per , Wilfred , McCosh , DogMonster , wired4gaming , merkdog , Larrs , Heaney , Kaz , PirateNinjaJesus , kaiju , Xicotl , EasyGaming , Xxcus32xX , DMHemmi1 , Umadchallenger , Killerpopcorn , Ciggzy , Fatman , Destry , Gord , Thinner , bubbastump , mpLsPhilly , jmkrazy , gatorontheloose , Bernout , Lufty , JayBee , thedark1ntrud3r , darrylwilcox95 , Tumblin , Droc , Marley , Skrem , SubOhms , ZERO , Akado , Raegx , Cieljek , Sam , beast , cchap , Wolfhound73 , ButteredToastTV , Zarnicolas , Airegin , GN-X , D-Ler , Azz Kicker , Quad Fortunis , abelzw , Shancey , Jestah , Vol , Hurley , THxJellyMan , ShooterAK , Dodexous , noname118 , Kalevel , Spartuz , Red , SatansAce , TheWookieWay , B1RTHDAY , RockyBalbroa , Lindsbeard , WarDaddy , Super , Deliberant , SkullCracker , Mr. Ruf , ScaryT , AblativeNate
Request Award
Army Achievement Medal Army Achievement Medal Army Achievement Medal
Awarded annually to all members who complete 1 year of service to =VX9=.

Members who received this award: 2683
, firesealadmin , Thorvald666 , abs , Maniac , Gravis , BigDawg , Ripper , PapaBear , Jamooz , Kaburan , Johnnybadass , GhostCell , Moonshine , mower1 , FelixMaximus , MrEd , MaDLiNgO , KMAN , Bi0 , CdnAirborne , Proof Gypsy , GimP , Kindbud , MadDeath , Hightower , Ab|es , Warpig007 , BestShots , ABEL , MrAnderson , Junkhead , Sic , spanky , dragbike , Shady , Warthog , Flair , CycoSomat1c , Kyoden , pixel , rahzel , andyr , Hollowpoint , jebbler , LVJester , GenSeneca , [Hitokiri] , 4sakntaln , MesTiz0 , |ndy , Napalm , schittywok , Cug@ , Prik , Cataclysm , gimisom , Domn8r , Gamblor , JOEKER , MaL , Sinner , Nukem , Rasta123 , dunkertim , Tweekend , blackout , WalPOW , Synistor , SupRemE , Fatalerror , BuckMaster , JeSter , djdell82 , PyRoIcE , RatTerrier , CdnWolf , eagle , socojoe , Beretta , MAYH3M , XLOG33 , youngblood , RockstarAlchemist , bozo , DustyPython , Jawplug , LadyD , Randomness , Malicite , xnightninjax , pluto , linkero , LastMan101 , Kahllan , Carver , Dojan , LacrymosaJ , BOA , FiveRings , RipRock , Bronx , Tootall , Scitek , killer1959 , LionusRex , BSmuv , mrwestfall , R.A.T.X8 , cryos , Kin , Mango , PiG , JimBeam , dethpunch , Samurai , Maggoty , Metal , Spyder , iugradn2002 , McIrish , Dayton , Kohl , terry35 , alek000 , godfather , delicatessen2012 , BL00DBATH , Sedi , fuzzyrye , WarChick , demolitio , Slaughter , zypher , Broderick , Chris8812 , DeV , Crosshair , 2m3k3 , selimsrm , Z^ , |ALPHA|CreeperX , Hockfan86 , Aksu6 , fluff[e] , Vyper , Banem , SephJoe , AlphaWolf , veail121 , Bakersfield , AkimboAssassin , Jo|{eR , Rhaegara , fstark , Hammy , -_Anarchy_- , zelmaN , PointKiller , Stryker , Irisheyez , Poppa , GreenEyed , ravensshade , VashTheStampede , TPounder , Jettwing , KingKrazy , Pyro , aycee , FUBAR , Scoperanger , R3ruN , Hippiekiller , Spunkify , .:k9:. , Azrael , Conspiracy , McLovin588 , Nullkrush , R3AP3R , gunsargeramalls , Snow Thrower , caPWNacus , Surge , RaZoR , NecroNinja , NightBeast , Sm0k3d_2 , Christina , Genuine , DJS94 , txdude82 , Apheration , Buzz , NYPDSwat , oeffler101 , Korv , angrymojo , atomtan , Rescue , Radisma , snuffaluffagus , MadMac , XizorGetspeed , AvengeR3 , Sticx , ReSpawN , Bravetoaster , nuklear , De e Ja , chirikotoji , AngryWretch , America X , Cowboy838 , scully , Boogyman , P4C1F1CU5 , usiris , Creepster , neverm1nd , H4H|Altorous , Bullet , , Leonidas , Penguin , xBEERx , herpesore , MazeX , xfullboost , Longbow , pieces , Dreadnaught , Kevincible , .spYder. , DiRTyTuRTLe , CornRow , Fuzztone , complex , victor_bear , Spydur , AlphaQ2 , littlesnitch , Sneaky6 , SnapShotone , Bodasmoke , Mauhdeeb , GrimReaper , Chronic , Und3rt0w , RenManfu , J-Will , jonsyrose , Drudgenaut , Fragment , Papa Merlin , Theshortone73 , The Jaspercat , Big Daddy , acidic , RobotMosh , d34thblo0m , Mystanious , TempesTGLoRY , Odyssey420 , Logan-5 , Soulzityr , toolnumbr5 , Dyssent , GoreGasm4 , podowns , Rylde , iGriff , Damon , Brown1775 , Sparty , RANGER9671 , sbdblyss , Gr8ElevenBravo , BombThreat , Nilcode , Steveo243 , Tyrant , convergd , fishbot , Silentsteel101 , QuikSilverSVT , Flag , BloodyNine , iproJordon , Hat , dwasko , Jrv , silvwarrior , Commy , sibu , Captivia , 9Fivebravo , chocobomoto , Bazookapenguin , ComradeSponte , vese , Kraftjerk , Reven91 , BooTeKhal , TheFoeHammer , Stixicks , Arturitoburrito , Darkspy , Renoramen , riseofr1ce , MonstobLee , TPDelta1 , dakumaul , kitsune VX9 , tazlord34 , Lawlypop , DarkwingD453 , stephan.houchin , HappY , milktea9 , xyrelle , PR0D1GY , Oldfishy , Fazed , Ge0kolmi0 , ltlebluedragon , Zeliwin , Trollbane , ImperatorKon , bluesnut , AMGpoptarts , Xenonn , Deadunicorn , twisedlives , Tac , HeavyDiveKick , Deviant_Phantom , Donj , Kraze695 , demonicfoe , defit77 , Dima , BrownianMotion , Box , cartinfan , waffflecakes , King_Kazma , Shootbacca , Manick , Gruberman , Sl0thh209 , Lestat616 , Ibravos , fearthisneo , Rhybred , EnzYmeS , C.MartinHFD , Fallen , Brasi , saiwolfie , MMonsoor , Rattles03 , pressben , iantheausguy , Stankyl3g , khord , ShrimpToast , Cab00se187 , Sharpie , ArmedOmalley , AlacrityFitzugh , Kyle v0 , ManBearPig , ColdTouch , Bang , Tulias , WontonSoup , mirwalk , spenfish , gerrickax , jrwelder , Ozyz , CBsquared , Krythan , manterm , Kljucis , xXGundyXx , Blode , Smithway , Azie , Nalroni , jiongray , Kissler , kingcobra , DarkTropik , shadowolf , Lt-Kernel , Valius691 , BustANut , Kento , neo1096 , Truss77 , rooken , Lightning-Z , mark577 , Shadowbane , mcw10684 , hows , Maniac-262 , DrKrink , Vancer2 , MrSnippy , CerberusLance , Morriak85 , Badoober , Aylesberg , darkmatter , Doc , Ironwolf09 , Chabari , spillzmuchgutz , JazmsJoker , ClasicColaTaste , Conquistador , reac1337 , korydeath , Operational , Ripster , Ryuuka , Corpsman , Boneheaded , atrium , Cleverlight , Myrtman , Skipp Jones , TinyOzora , PBR-Streetgang , Mudcat , Bailey , Wull , raftan , TheEntireWorld , MegaDove , Romullus , Ravare , DeadlyButters , ShugahBear , fireseal , WetSand , masterk9 , Abjam , adam4031 , EvilBatman , Big Kahuna , thepang , Jamuraii , giojoeg , Carm , Gozo , WrrLor , Mordorith , Zoitter , Consilient , ExtraSoap , Merc2474 , NixonsHead , ThePh3nom , Dessik , Berenerd , FoX1335 , Gunner75 , Griffith , Ratsgirl08 , Zenton8787 , Rich1963 , JDCollie , sloidsnak5 , incredible , heartbreakridge , dreameater , Zinx , BulletWaster , Haze , ZeDIRTYRussian , Easyyy , nelmr , Warchild_in_NC , Keldarris , Raymodeus , manders623 , bpaddack , joecowdery24 , BudaKhan , haz212 , zflocco , Burgha , Ijose , TruckerGloom , Hawkby , Refugee , imonfire29 , Florp , Highonwater3 , charlton44 , F12osTii , bullwinkle , Automatica , Andraste Enigma , aksident , Insomnion , BZERKER , EXKGB , Andor , Grathalas , Alexicon , Nexnactu , r33ko , xiphas , Braka , Rux , Dehstroyer , Sparticulous , Knoxx , Infected , Worthington , JollyBadger , rebar46 , CrusaderCon , Emica115607 , Gutbutton , NoMoney , Rundown24 , WarSaw , silverace99 , ProfessorDanny , Th3PurpleSmurf , Graeves , DPTFalcon4 , therealquaid , iink , Duke Nukem TX , Morimasa , Tekusi , Aiyvas , Synthessence , batu94 , xXReiBearXx , SCAR17S , Mr Grim , Cptdoughnuts , BacotOne , StreetYoda , Tehbushey , couch982 , Krimikpaladin , DrewwDogg , Norkos , Tushar_1995 , sharkskinjr , RollOn7 , Ebil Piwat , Lepanen , Nowitko , graytiger , Ontway , NukingFuts99 , Kudu , Wrench , zilko , VexitronPrime , Nytflyr , dancingbulldawg , LightningWaffle , BigDawgSteve , Clunas , selects , Masta , Haus , LordFurious , max.power , XwowdudeX , wipper , PSquared , Bedren , amouse , XForCE07 , Vormex , shanlar , Ramachandra , Frozenrose , hondargurl , Fat Tony , mimic , lbeemer , Hugostiglitz , Vickeee , hypersniper05 , Broken Caliber , Philly46 , Ron L , rbannon87 , Drago , trewteo , Sindro , Shadee , KJFett , stuporficial , Lord_Lemmiwinks , mini0n , MrGanjies , Trendkilla , IRwlz , fATboY15x , Strythe , demitry76 , Mrblue520 , josefin16 , Whitey , gatech , StaffordiousRex , Semtex , lbpunn , Mxracer3651 , ArtsyJennie , blu6grn9 , KitsuneRagnell , tintinmilou , Th3F3LL4S , ReanimeJoe , antiniusfox , AkumaRook , WyDale , Gelnath , Squishy , Zqt , Cirove , bptrav , Madsabre , Holy_Knight_AD , hejzan , Kinraze , DesertHawk , MinusII , Hoax8D , BloodInfidel , BumblingDeath , fizz14 , HappyKillMore , cato , #NAME? , SiHawk , cpl_S1einer , Fuuro , Speedius , ironfist08 , synester , Jester327 , Skyvar , shade , Silverneck , HelsBane , Abbadon , xXTravesdyXx , SirColorBlind , porterFstout , Rogue2124 , Azure , Apebble38 , xerotolerance , IFailedUSorry , Horridgirrafe , Saloes27 , Subbss , BodyCount , Robryn , Steadyshot , Flynn316 , Axio , Eisekopf , Violynta , Mustang_ , Jester1203 , Enodaed , Cymus , IRPepper , Vofoa , Aleutian , Eisenlancer , risk-7o2 , syrus64209 , mitsuomi , EVILSTRIKE , xXMizuXx , fATAL_The , SafetyIsOFF , thedoctor , Cubandaddy , 32T , Fubar904 , 121GreenKnights , Masriel , Iceandiron , Maker22 , Ulvehammer , FatherofDeath , DevilDog , FiNRG , Sh4dowed2rtuh , ProtossMaster , TradingHaddock , rabidbunny , Dimebag101proof , ZeroCool , iceman311 , talongor , AnubisPrime79 , ratseal , Eagle_Alex_ , Mulon , t0nyz0r , DCBronco , Animus41 , Cannon Fodder , Dunkelschatten , Falcon , thatguy , RMAX , zee9287 , Hoppy253 , theseedfromhell , Iron Infidel , Arretez , Mrae , Pontifex , playmaker , Expendable_Lad , Joddes , NightCross , Unphazable , Deathdrop , Draxanoth , BugDoc , proz01 , El_Mustachio , Sepp72 , Dan813 , WarPriest , ANGRY MARINE , Raider11M3ID , Maddogicus , Shadowmoon , Paindisciple , TheOutlawJosieWhales , mightyix , Thomasbayy , Skankey , JonyRottn , Dinkus21r , Knight Twisted , gamerhater , Chang , XXRcLutch , Sylvinia , BoomGetSome , cjberry89 , slider1578 , c911darkwolf , Shutthup , VinceBlack , TakeoPrime , Salty The Knife , AfroNutz215 , theM94 , chaotique , Sgt_Coy , daddy_gab , WidowMaker , HawaiiJon , Acydburn , HornetRed , yakub0 , Refuge , Handies , XxSeekrxX , Wing , Caboose57 , jrholdt , Ozzymandias , Alaan Thryner , Bergle , m0nk3y , Dolomightie , Eastwind72 , SgtSuicide , StarFishes , Jaud , SamTon1000 , Roboguy224 , Solnithey , USMCSecretSquirrel , ninjitsu , Zalinski , starbuxchic , FrigateLT , Axis , NC01Immortal , bwilfing , DarkMoonRising , Ghostwish , Drunkingunner , HOUDINI2 , Beartrax1 , der_geist , BudaTheGreat , IceMarbles , rammenstein , tzmndevill , Arsenal Gear , Squishypride , Quagmire , RichieGrape , FluffyRice , Gettysburg_1863 , crak , csvking , BlindOldMan , Flerptyderpin , Baruul , Maith258 , gohanf22 , tank_magnet , RattieUK , Slayer2218 , Zip , Pyrozet , Zargfrarg , Ultima-Ratios , Hazard , jester1957 , xxxHellcatsxxx , DejjaY , RobuteGuilliman , TheGeekz , Stew , maximman1 , HunterLrd , D4em0nd , Terazuka , Pelicram , EagerFusillade , ACEACE333 , dblack , 1sonzach , AntisocialAaron , Divercity , Bloodfenris , Oxblood , IronJuggernaut , ANTI-HERO , CallMeBoog , TechX , baNkAlLdAy , Noname9 , Invaded , LiquidNite9 , Sacrillegious , DarkMyth , Jevazide , D3ATH94 , JERKEMIAH , , Ksetuni , lawdog210 , BillyBaroo , Sovereign_M , Derrbs , erc1971 , Eifwen , Ormadil , MR_SNOWDEN , JohnBeard , RedMonster , Warox , Frosty2200 , fragelay , maco , Rammsteiner , Beezlebubb , Coolio , Kalevra , theo71 , SCREAM , Pandastratton , daddio64 , Noacuracy , The Duke11 , NoX!OuS , sourdough , 3CK0 , Atsuko , Valis , Bassman , Tawmcruize , soldier , hiighCalibre , OhCrap , Cailid , QQ , muldreck , JoelsNYCgirl , deenny-us- , Zeo , Nerfmeow , Slotch922 , slozon , jwbeck112 , CorkScrew772 , Meolestanks , Fartslinger , Santa Claus , Detonated , IKillthings , Ansalon , TightestButthole , shorty5150 , perdweeb , existentialvoid , Whalebait , _Drama_ , WolfLancer4 , _Apathy_ , Sukov , DirtyOxyClean , Shak3rs , J , LegioImmortalis , strobe1965 , L0nGb0w , zevillageidiot , GeneralEDU , Fragm{EM}all , Magnetics , Zmerc , LuRcH , CharlieTriGuy , Klammath , grantavius13 , MarcMyTarget , curtwg , SteelRat , J_REB , bamachamps25 , cyberblaster , Ngao13 , Sentinel308 , smaspoch0516 , IXIAbsynthIXI , GeorgeCP , Croocker s47 , R!ot , AlaskanStew , Gerz601 , ethikz , Sapphire Shield , deepblue202 , mally6659 , Roland , moeron88 , Sirpoozalot , ASP-Sharkman , SadisticGrunt , whoshotcha79 , Dubandubs , Tangeer , BwenEmos , Stockwrangler , lexicorn , Hintzke , Findail , Specialst , vgravezz , Axke , Hawkgeface , FFSteve , AncientAngel , RosieRiviter83 , Gimpzen , Emperor2K , Axterminator , Mike80Yota , DOOMSDAY_TALOS_ , WarMachine_KISSChick , WILD , CALUS , cappinstabby , carbuncle , Tehdood , NatGarro , MajesticBeard , Mogs , carter caine , _KaptKrunch_ , scottoski , Psilocybro , Deusalmighty , HassanHM , VengeanceGaming , silentdiesel , MoFoOTY , AwakeningDeath , gcarson , sadboymt , Scribler , JustMorg , LT SHARKIN , Captain_Chainsaw , Adventsblood , ninjanabe , The_last_soviet , nomad_93 , Hells_Hoon , Herzog.T , Manloriel , Malibuz0r , wizzy3 , Kasper , IChernobogI , fotweny , CounterAttack22 , TheHarlequine , Dano , Atlas , Satanic_Dude , R1ADEN , Raziel , Billdozer , Sternreiter , Kryllo , jdean , GreyGear , ForgotN , Kirron , keenum23 , NLSpider , Spinner , Rust_in_Peace , ozzyman , LimBob , shamefuldirty , Billythekid , Lothor , Lord_Marshal , Zazzoo , D3athTh3K1d , Dislexic_Jester , nervous.wreck , vonseris , AmandaBeloved , Tasluk , doverkill , Odinrepo , kardonhbk , BIGxJAKE , Severn , MXV , Rabb , breakdancingsquirrel , Porkchopz , Ceroon , Nicrolis , Crabxcore69 , cake_pan , nak4 , Integra , UV-Badman , Swiddy , McDuffy , Xenocat , KillH4wk , xeno360 , dmuppet , CounterEv , Xavierpadget , SwedishEOD , Skootz , Dessel , DoctorNocturnal , General_Hyde , RangerJL71 , Kamikaze , Super_Gaia , AppleSaws , Loafman , rnlmeat00666 , xareliusx , marky , Liranator , Wasted Spaceman , Fazi14 , Hav111 , Mounirkhoudeir , Sun , DanTaylor , Angoluce , HolyStones , FallenEagle07 , Elitereaper , Levus105 , mercyx21 , matt_the_bat_2005 , Refurius , rainz1991 , NorthGuard , Mutara , geckotank , Janiske , carl69 , Lucky24565 , Armorless , skullcrusher7 , Lilpenny , Jasko , Mister_Smith , McCr33p , scubandym , Kincaid , Nalla , Str8T4nkin , vi3tfool , BreedwellGaming , Blivinity , danegerrus , DCSOHIOBEAR , ROWDYF90 , Storm0378 , 2Cents , BetaOmega , LegacyChaotic , Muskogee , WhiteDusk , uNkMyJuNk , Native , ChaozVenom , Blitz , LowBridge , authenticx , DeathFmAbove , FUTOO , OldYeoman , Winston84 , Oopsidied , ROLLINGTHUND3R , VlaMerTjiE , John_Bigbootay , Zirach , RaideN , Harliqyn , MasterOC , Lieutenant_Horn , Luke3000 , Ymirx , Psymon , Toki , Zathee , B4rOnAir , FrenchyO11 , clt8276 , SgtStockclerk , Linden1 , Destroyka , Wesker , DaGoldenBall , gregg86 , Manimal , AyeJay , Predimus , 11___TS___11 , Burningstar , Nawcor , TehShortbus , platinumxsniper , Press Vest , ajpopa , Foxarrows , King , CuBe , Bobert , Arbius V'Talik , lokeet , tiggertazz , kleinekai , GambitKK , Imposingtoast , kingofkings1124 , NOLA Chris , Uneek , Viper , olshalf , O_Kole , waffletop , Deuces , Stoner , TonesDeez27 , levicory , Mike234 , Shreducation , shallowc , BlackDahliah , Ashtrath , tombstone9160 , btkmr5 , coops968 , Daxxter , 3dayzoff , Starving , sweetaffroman , Raesah , LloydL , IH8BANDITS , Riddz , miffy , ripnig , NE5 , vaerwind , Draco Redux , Hartmann , locologan94 , xDChanonx , MILITANT KIPPER , SilentDragon , chukline , SerSnow , Grizzer , KristoWave , Lawlikaust , timothus , Kr0sphyre , Lexister , CarbonViper , SoulFox , takiflower , JaimeM , Anubi , 8Bitties , Cjernaga , Pagg , Trigger Devotee , firegoat , Thefenix , SaintEstevan , wilson15j , amazinggreg , rhg0d , soul_steal , Badwolfs , dead_short , Zagstheklown , Red The Fury , ComradeJohn , Cheekaay , DaKon , tagsrdumb , StarbuckBC86 , TheKillerHippo7 , AkumaKungFuRock , Gennero , ISpeakJive , SpaceSloth , KUG Dongers , gnorman , pskitz , JamesGuth , khpunt , StylinNProfilin , lookabigfoot , LOST.KLEPTO , devour521 , ZoRGatH , Oth3rSide , TankMenace , ARMYBUG808 , sufak , TheShadowForce , Kabuto87 , Lokichaotic , W1z4rd , Xdestroyer92X , Ac3Trigga , Defose , Maddog551 , werdcon , Lostanfoundit , Pyrhrt , Lord Inquintarus , Excitonex , Unknown , Beneviolence , TGPhoenix , DBKYWI , HeyZeus , Archamedes666 , KaptKaos , LighterToast , Death Professor , FireFighter , Alestrius , Gh0u1 , The Creepler , Tueton , Josh , shadowknight14 , Ghengis Manson , Chief , Bigbadpete54 , caveman , Tnakyzyr , CobR , ShadowedSoul90 , Dreamz , BielCaprinhO , AverageAaron , BobtheBear , wounded fawn , keyz , iMpAl3R , NavyJonathan , RockinDocin , be11atrix , xenvega , johnowns45 , GunjaKing71 , mdjones4 , MedicaL , captainclooless , CGarlock , ds_kyle , lautaross13 , Venecemo187 , Neonshine , Saleema , badioo , ace102 , Dator , dlamdlam3 , jallenlots , Angry Cub , rabbit , ashy larry , VagrantDead , Wrip , silenthitter , Hase , Xiapher , GanjaPalooza , MNSane1 , Cert , SnypaZprO , Mac , TurtleMan , Von Reinthaler , Maliko , ShadyBastard , bigdubs99 , Shreeden , Tasselhoff , iD , northofnowhere , yi3o8 , Cooljob6 , oxgon , Vold , Expropriate , RangingWolf , Savage_Salvage , StandUp713 , EvvoSO , Findaeloss , Junatu , 0ouo0 , DitchRich , burntcherrycoke , mosesjohn , Kapoet , cjthagr8one , Klovian , Chuck , Viral , Nightmare , Zesty , warreo , pontios4life , Uncle Si , Major Woopaz , johnbudz , Ziriix , Ch1L5t3R , Smaukin , Roflstompu , Gamesta64 , CustomTrendzInc. , MonoXide , Cptsnuggles , Paul_On_Mars , freezorburn , MimiSiku , JohnDeereGirl , chuckluss , Thannix , Brakified , RandomShell , LoneGhostOne , DevilDog7 , navyguy58000 , EZKatnipz , john , ginjaninja , caliptic , CromDome245 , Kain , DGatos42 , Trauma Toyz , Stuguy , JodyHighroller , Stealthykiller42 , readyonthegun , SKULLGHOST177 , IantheCarrier , Reaper0217 , lilwings14 , BDizzy , freebly , Malaikvavit , Mr. Wolf , isimmon , Rsvirus , TaintedOvaries , ZoMbiee , FIXER , THUMPer , Kaiser , redhammey , Kogisa , CrOnIkLeAf , Grym.Aequitas , RayCharlie , ChrisJH , Nate33 , Moonshoez , Scarpia , Broncs , Grayrage , C0okieM0nsterJr , Snakeman442 , Phactory81 , Azraphael , WestCat , troll096 , DarkWngDuck , dannyh , EDALBTHGINK , Hitarko , Frodoizzle , LunarShift0307 , snakette , XanderBawss , iNozzel , Noble , AFluffyBrick , mephane , Tcamp14 , bobebob , MajorJJ , Throttl , Gordon , Savage , ICURUNING , forbileo , McErskine , Sgt_Oddball , Wet , batuka , Major Ecker , armyman2445 , nuka cola victory , Scotland , Green , bassdrumma , shawnx1995 , thorper , PTY997 , Laeviathin , Zerstoror , White Timberwolf , Blue , Gr3G , captfelkin2 , RaDario , Lilithae , Beyne , hexose , Eltraz , Azumazi , Chillerside , Grease-Monkey , Darktrooper_ , berkelsk87 , braladr , Typical Evan , Mr. White , GGarcia1 , Viper1988 , Carnifex257 , zaxpower , Silbern , mckinney420 , Twin , CommieConscript , aCcorsio , VongolaXXX , Rogue79 , Sig938 , MrChubbyNumnums , Linville_33 , faust_sketcher , Phearghail , Aggressive Salad , 7up , bufurd , Kutsua , Maxillius , dudeman , BeerGolf , Predirect , CaptainRex , TheMaxedout , Lothior , Daedalus_Above , Moechar , Supreme_Bananas , Guitarzan , _Maggis_ , Mevennos , woodinstaller , Khal_Thrax , Hobo , emergencyLemon , HandyAndy , KilleR_P3nGuiN , moderhead , Beaches , Lyconnus , Bloodsport , Dragonawh , Freeballin523 , incan , Grendelkitty , Kernalpancakes , Leeward Grand , Knifester , Schauffer_7 , Brass , kilroy_was_here , Hammertop , Brikka_Brakka , EnVizsion , orbiter688 , Goldfinger00799 , Keplin , Zortron , Karmie , Presurvation , Zeon , Riley , Zigg , freebird , Rob , goat , Lucic17_Bourque77 , vril , imported_Thorvald666 , Ronson44 , Despairbear , Charlie_Bolitho , arte_3t_marte , mrpenguinx , Fierce_Silence , Yaroze , FALOMAN_USMC , Big_Dylan , Colonel Fouts , Warmaniac4212 , RandomRefills , CarnevilCrusader , chris mcinnes , sarpikos , babyfacekilluh , StanEustisSmith , Burn , Stug_life , OneDeagz , Waggel , Duhb , youalrightbro , Tomatopastemoose , Dr.Cewwy , Boomer , Radu , Ni Meleth Li , strahd , Buckwild , ZekeTheKamikaze , tiberius2552 , Kev , TheHuntingW0lf , ChezyBacn , Joe_Beers , FrenchConnection , Jason Bouchard , Austin , DECK_OF_CARDS , MaximumDiabeetus , kanex , redux , aristriah , Stig , mrpopnfresh , Kimiyosis , plow21 , Wargramps , Sirs81 , qikdeath , Euphorio , Starshine , Bannor4 , GARKKeepars , MustardFuzz , Deathwand , CoderedKilla , Kuazi , pancake_pirate , k0mmandant , DKYoungfajita , lurkinwilli , Micah , die4in2style0 , wicked , RedGiraf , KBombSTi , SilentWolf , lotorin , budda_5 , Zulu_Six , Dallas , Mister_Torsten , Cai_shen , FrodoTBaggins , Danrski , rrb1399 , Alligatorr , Vaulteck , mike6512 , stycks2009 , Jodah175 , monkertrol , Vanthia , Black_anvil , lee1984 , Kildar , Heelfan , BarnaciousC , ChrissyV , Jimbos87 , willchil , OrangishPurple , RandyxN , Trem Fantasma , johnnypats2 , Ottster006 , Madmax777 , Grimm519 , Zooks , Winterwether , Punishthewicked , ZISMAN , acunningone , Ziam12 , CptPriceMI6 , Ahur , Anciendraak , Meyo , RedneckCasanova , Shion , Gruemble , Damon4 , KAIZIEL , roughneck4321 , Diehard , WardPrime , Dechion , bobtheterror , firesealtest , Krulac , TehShortbusTest , ewtori , DunnaStunna , Agent Maryland , bbonniol , theranger7 , lVladdog , Obvious , Rattrap , wunder , Drunkjedi , Ayumi , StillbornTitan , Digsgambit , Apatz , beast666 , Retinetis , CactuarsGoRun , Kiptonic , Luuot , PropheC , Bl33db4me666 , =Lagger= , Vlad , tookieroberts , Eranthius , Kevin , watts77 , Faugh_a_Ballagh , Takish Bridges , Diffuse , Suds , Zer0Dark30 , Whiteboy , KillThemAll6313 , timbort , mrt8062 , OscarMeyer , jonm312 , Syze00 , Squall , John Delonge , Vivyana , SonOfDilbert , PiMichel , Phopant , Shaw389 , GsusMcNutty , Gryff1n , danbar , mrichey3 , Dann , freedom_14 , MagenShae , dj shawn , FriskyJawa , MyLuCkYSKiLlZz , Farkup , Incredible31 , MuddyRaccoon , DeadMannWalking , Vishnej , ColdKilla80 , Tom , Cyborg75 , Doc Holliday , L3thalGho5t , Carter , Dexter , joeygoats , Shoronk , Ninja , rickblake37 , lukie116 , gunslingersilver , Gneisler , Rodzilla , annen10 , ThePewPewLayzr , fitzwoodle , HeplMeh , Baconalia , TidesRollin , KuraiAly19 , Bobbaluba , yurisan , Antigone , zeddzik , Fancy , Valraven , War_God , OG MrClean 4L , NathanXplosion , Marinelaqs , lightseid , Angel , cursivearmy , ShadowGamer101st , Crazyabe , Depletion , WAKA , xaftrshock , L3GIT WAR GAM3R , Rugerdie , Edget , Yaa Yaa , Tigger2017 , Takeover , Chumley , SHADY ICE 46 , Nick , Localgod54 , Breech , carreast , Aurum , STR8TFLEXN , xluto , NoScope , timjbirke , Bowgetta , SaiRoland , Zephyr041 , gml1211 , Neechee , Snake2284 , Turb , Ace43vr , Trunk , Loxtoc , Energyzer , Nemo187 , DannyRollz , bigjosh2881 , doroboda , junitho92 , Brennender , Seanpai , Takaro , TraderNick , Jonas , Peyton , Bahumbug2u2 , Niqii , TrollinStones , lego1042 , T179 , thelistener272 , LittleBridge , lordawesome7 , Vampy1001 , Bisra , xjuliuscaesar , ErickNava , TJPowers10 , Daegor , neowolfe , TineSionnach , s1mcdaredevil , Cowboy_Killer_463 , Shadow , Tallion_Warrior , Tkat5200 , Jet L33 , Wolfgang Andedare , Recon$ilenceR , Wilfred , Paula_George , Cake , BaronVonRuppert , McCosh , Pyronus , BRUH Panda , DogMonster , Tankerotomy , Deadeye2033 , Netphlux , wired4gaming , SZXT77 , fear6733 , JohnnyRico117 , merkdog , Possum_marksman , TheSaltyMahwah , TehShortbusTest4 , TehShortbusTest55 , morzain , Edward , TaintedOne , Tombstone Jack , Wellthatsnotgood , Larrs , pinkysxybutt , awesomenatorrad , little_MAN_1027 , CommanderBriggs , KingDrizl , LoverBoyUSA , Gypsy_Danger , JimmyBones , vbrockv , Static-Bullet , Heaney , Kaz , Skynet McTokin , Janison Ibruin , BlackAce , Madman_Williams , M16 BONG , =VX9=Koji , kaiju , jamerlol , KRYPT3CH , Smedger , Loqutiz , Elvo , GingerMANG , cat_soup , Decibel , EternalLight007=VX9= , Murphball69 , Jeigh07 , Tacticalbang , GeauxTigers , Hampz , dreadwolf , LizardKing , Saberscope , Lord_Cyprio , CpToast , RedBeard , Anowrath , Silent_Scope_Boss , Blank , CarterM3 , Skullviking , Greennonic , Xicotl , Djthunder=VX9= , eY3lEs5 , EasyGaming , Xxcus32xX , psychoanaconda , DMHemmi1 , Zukster , VF33 , Rommel , Umadchallenger , Killerpopcorn , BrodoSwaggins , AuburnGuru , covajo9 , TimtheBigDaddy , Nikkosk1 , Linky , Owen , Robert "Sloth" Maag , JuanCena , Souksouls , Uncle Dan , 2009mustanggtcs , Noobinaction , aleric204 , Nadon , vinrag , abu1121 , Saabo The Hun , Kcassion716 , BazingaThat , 30_tonn_ninja , steelpanther48 , SGTJames84 , Fatman , Quekel , SubZeroZid , KaiserSmoke , D3feated , Raging__Sloth , thrangar , Benrix , DonavonR , Wromper , Gloomshroud , MadDogBlack , Dennyy , FrekiofOdin , DKChef , Ninjuice , Secondo , kieran16 , Ximzabar , Drunk_n_Irish , BigRockKun , GGfrosty , SpencerPhoenix , sobektheman , Mr.Rabbit , Wraith , Cyanine , Ronaldo , mschrandjr , Anonn , Ramrodski , CRTaylor517 , Destry , tango , hmantheawsome , LedMedic343 , coolengineer , BoredHero , _Yaeger_ , hosey187 , jb214147 , Gord , H4V0C , Th3Pr0digy , sitnspin , Wilson , Zal Das , lou133 , Thinner , Crimsonsleep , Yebbert , Selica , Ravaeron , Mr Potato Gun , bubbastump , headlights , Leetsauce , Kurbee , mpLsPhilly , PromethieusX , BigDutch12 , Chewtoi , UnknownSniperD , Matthew_DeVer , Flapjack , exot1k , Skratche , RWizzle , Ginger Ninja , Magnys , Errikos , Matthias , LockOn , Aaron , jmkrazy , Spezerei , Grant , WiskeyJak , Webmonkey , Barman , Zer0_Point , voodoogriff , TJ_Wylde , Zapp__Brannigan , pointdexter , Monk269 , elvis , chbix , Eldril , Loaded Monkey , Tat0rt0t , INFIDEL , Paramyth , gatorontheloose , onlatte , Philimon , DthJester , KDiesel , TheRandomCarebear , b0rg123 , ClericSandman , jarrad495 , DthsAngel , Pyrrock , SniperChuck , Evil , Atomsk , LTkowie , Drayus , Rottendeeds , Desnar , Samn , XrayPunk , Cao-de-guerra , Igotarock , Zerric , Nvictu , Skaboda , GGRIMKRE3P3RR , EssXJay , Eustace1337 , Coop SBG , Troy , Lucasoar , Shawnzee , Michelangelo , Gallapagosisland , xeed300 , Bernout , Obscore , Ronaldmcpwncakes , McRantin , CARWRECK , girlypants , Seabeezer , PsychoVx9 , Thelix , rnw32 , RubberRudder , Arkiew , Schitzengigels , ZUCO , Captain_Dilbert , Ravhir , iCrAzY75 , Sameoldg , Lufty , Caffeine , kiknazz91 , Valient520 , WayTooBad , B-9 , JayBee , WARth3Machin3 , 7-Mary-3 , SWAMPRAT51 , Thorne , Kyoko , MooseyMooz , Steel , VAR0K , SatansBurrito , J_McGuire , ShuShiBG , Sefton-NZ , Aureks , kirtharx , Killersoldier1 , mosha123 , SoulDead87 , thedark1ntrud3r , moranski22 , Xultos , Killmanjarro , Painless , Jook , darrylwilcox95 , TheMondayKiller , xSalty1 , Tumblin , DeweyDecimationSystem , magic , Phoenix , Zerthyr , Kyzar , stevieshae , chicjordin , Blkout=VX9= , Cat , iamthey , LurchRTS , Gaunt27 , Psycho , Mercenary , Buchabonkers , Dwight , KolaRice , Bodatoda , nick1009 , aidenx2o , Konfliction , RainbowDash379 , EL_Remo , Buckeye , Lalaina , chiXu , Droc , GR1FFIN , Willie , Jesse , Nolairsell , GhoSTHunT3R , kaanu , BaronVonFett , Sandman6987 , Propagansus , Steady_Shot , TobyLerone , ZarX , xFlameKnightx , Dizman7 , Cleaner711 , burpsnart74 , K.O. , battlenoob99 , bdave , jaketakescake , NiX , GenX000 , Marley , aaronpurvis , Eckomob , vipersnake57 , The_Chee42 , TinyMarine , CritFail1 , Dav , Tretri , Archangel051 , GreyShade42 , War , Nepoleon , HundoHelix , RossaLuna , Kylar , Skrem , tobiasblack07 , Pafire , audirizki , AgonyRose , D4RK-_- , ShuDawg , SpeedyCarmona , GreenZombieX , pwyll , SubOhms , Otrovakruf , Freakshow , Snowy , ChristoUS82 , Dragenus , XBombtek , Unclepappy , SPCWiggins , Helmut , RoeCeiphus , Taxcut , enlyghten , Floross , seabees24 , Gunbunny , Lownly , Karmacowboy , Sp00nWithMe , buckeyeranger , Jaidis , ZERO , thegroinshot , Cody , Kingmoses , Naga_PT , Donkey69 , lionhartsteel , @bysse , Dinksta , Harry359 , Thumper_E23 , Senji , lancerous92 , Caotyk , HBCHawk , Hirtel , Hauptmann_Kaiser , Bjorntaler , Yiggy , Tck , Thumper23546 , Flash , Kahmu84 , AfLoganStan , Shane , ArmyAl , Zi2609 , Killswitch , Akado , hotdogman527 , Thrombar , pornstar , G.Falcon , ke5wtj , CanasGreay , Sanid , Gatorade , Polybeast , Enigster , IronGhostFighter , AntiHero007 , Weloq , nonova70 , Zurick , mjvphd , HickGameing , Raegx , Starscrye , Cieljek , Sam , Gooding , TacoCream , 50cow , tuminen , Phobos , Kapill89 , soar , CoknLok , Kaeracin , ayeesjay , KirbyTony , V1P3R617 , Lethal dose , Hamster , Jrfreshx , aemant , regnerate83 , Ritchyrektem , Krioni , Denbolv , WhiskeyAlpha7 , Zimmy75 , CanadianKid98 , Anubis , beast , Sarkon , james6970 , IKECVBG , cchap , JimC_ , AUFICER , Tython , osiris , Hobo_GT , angelofdeath_92 , Pes_45 , Wulf24 , Cophenhagen , Perceus1697 , jreasondunn , XTS-KingBeef , Wiruke , charlie , Pro_Newbi3 , Arnwulf , Wolfhound73 , Sigismund , BroJSimpson , ButteredToastTV , ruth1ess , Dad , Squidage , DVMARK_GFyourself , Cricket Soldier , BilbeiGh , Ronin_504 , NofxShun , Zarnicolas , xDarkAngeloidx , Bumpthis , Sir-Dome , Hail_Odin<369 , Airegin , Kylepower5489 , Saint , Granit , Beergut583 , Klownpsycho42 , Korgoth , Blackhammer , Herbert , Disavo , Odin All-Father , roxi0n , Grimreaper_323 , HandyHank , markfobia , twofkbrotal , Anonymoose_0 , The Forgotten , TheLancerMancer , Spirit , Jimmy , Nomos , hscott , DirtyDankster , GN-X , tripwolkje , L3tum , WusteHase , Antykain , Cursingwolf , D-Ler , Azz Kicker , Blunts , Walrus , PWNINLIKEABOSS , Quad Fortunis , LedLine , Heavypred325 , Nightsaw9 , Fizzletop , Rayturd , JudeSaint , Kumaa , abelzw , ezwiggy23 , haloxdragoon , Shancey , Xzmple , nhatle , Jestah , ojify , andreus618 , Qybixxx , Murlokk , Yelafath , PensivePanda20 , Wuss , JiveTurkey , Giacomo2114 , Villistrato , Projekt325 , ItsDoctorJ , Killswitch115 , Shefalump , Vol , cosm0 , blinKX10 , Hurley , Jackylandhyde , DetectveFaun , d0gz1lla , Darkstar1984 , H3RO , THxJellyMan , Joe_Dumb , BigEasySteve , Wild_Bill_Peacock , Unlucky Star , Sirk190 , KnightmareMoon , iTzHoff , Travo9652 , prozach , DarkFireWolfe57 , OTAKUandPROUD , Kebi , Caldorn , Rythcan , 2Step , Mayhem1 , Teknoxyn , AncientOne , Shacklackey , Ratt35 , kwakutl , kingfisher42 , Blaque_Majick , ShooterAK , Blighty , ShadowForest , Aarmina , 21pokemon12 , fury58_1 , Dodexous , acedaddy1979 , Meg , JustConover , NonDignumTempus , ironCladGhoul , TheGreyHornet , Mysterious Powers , Konigiya , Valin63 , callmeGee , noname118 , KODSlayer , shiesty , ddogftw , Potato_Nose , Zhoul , zinga85_warrior , Den0 , Webneko , HolyDevil , SPQA_Legion , SoftInsanity , Negklar , Rac1813 , D_Jackson531 , Rhuagh , Kbinaei , Mandriod , EricTheGreat14 , THB_TX , _Taylor , Kalevel , ImpaxtSplatter , tiggerib , blackburn1979 , Kestanen , Slumandcoke , FrostStormwind , Rumple , aznwithbeard , smk500 , BoboTeBaggins , KisukeNephilim , Saint9 , Torment , BigDaddyD , 1stmasterdragonqueen , Spartuz , HeroOfStalingrad , Minxx , ToRN , Red , madpriest , Ekiller , Wackoman6789 , Richard Cranium , bullitz4brkfst , halolord1023 , Xoohu , Gridlock14 , Papa-Shrek , Rhino , Dom , PapaLazers , xXImmortusXx , GGIZ , Death88Stroke , AaronT , TylxM , Locksly , CrimsonTint , SatansAce , L0neRider , FarSight , BTCAL , Captain_RedNeckBeard , Meeks , TheWookieWay , CaptnBellamy , SzpakTX , sitootis , DrJoker141 , I_Didnt_Stutter , B1RTHDAY , caboose2802 , WildGinger85 , Pfrizzle , NickBk1 , Mjank , Grizzly Bear , Phantom Rogue , Chloluv2107 , Bonkedy , RockyBalbroa , duo555 , Snarl235 , HellsFire1924 , Tomcatgunner , LargeVegtable , Antihero , chnchapters , Mayonaka , Lindsbeard , Anarchy , Thaden , WarDaddy , Slob , SengueDreams , Snippy , ARN3wman , Sono34 , Super , ilikepops , seahunter , Ter , Gamerbeau , Deliberant , haxo , Weird_Beard , CFO , Ranger , Action7447 , Volperr , Rope , Rayvne , Cerimos , OnyxEagle , Mr.DKmax , JBizzo , Divorious , Learnedhand , Grimripper32 , Forbidden , SkullCracker , headachypit , thmadtinker , ReximusPrime , Mr. Ruf , DBHellmith , Kami_Baka , DeathTec , PuffingClouds93 , Postal Psychosis , DTRevenged , ShotgundZombie , Marsendji , Ralph , THE DUDE , Maple , badman475475 , Niley_ , Whip , Spaaaazzzz , Aehol , Bailey_Shooter , Billy_Sunday_ , Jestertx , kazyclay , Casper , Static , ScaryT , Prose_Hack , Blosh_It_Up_ , Blasterhawke , Perogy7 , Phil1976 , Steel_Rhino , johnnunn97 , Runesbane , AblativeNate , AnchorSnake , NexusExus , Pillbox13 , Enderdrp , MusiTheProtogen , Commander_Blitzleader24 , BabyDuckie92 , lUCKYSTRYKE , MonkeyS , Catwrestler , Pixi , UristMcJungler , Momo , Tokocharger , Hangry_Hippo , a_bard , Tink , JesterGR , SilentStrykr , GPatton1 , IronJay , TheimpalerXx , humboldtNation , EmpBobo , demondragon , xxSgtYorkxx , vbloodwaith , SHANTYMAN99 , chrisbug2394 , Tankalin , malivion , edrock , LetsGetItCrackn , KazutoSAO47 , Kendendobko220 , trizvi96 , tiggs314 , NaughtyDevil6969 , MacTatoes , chainfire , SldgeHammr , UnslaadKendov , harleiquill , CensoredMode , Eddy , Truewierdo , iReckless__
NCO Professional Development Ribbon NCO Professional Development Ribbon NCO Professional Development Ribbon
Awarded to Non-Commissioned Officers. (Sgt and above)

Members who received this award: 963
, firesealadmin , Thorvald666 , Maniac , Gravis , BigDawg , Ripper , PapaBear , Jamooz , Kaburan , Johnnybadass , GhostCell , Moonshine , mower1 , MaDLiNgO , Bi0 , CdnAirborne , GimP , Kindbud , Hightower , Ab|es , Warpig007 , ABEL , MrAnderson , Junkhead , Sic , spanky , dragbike , Shady , Warthog , Flair , CycoSomat1c , Kyoden , pixel , rahzel , andyr , Hollowpoint , jebbler , GenSeneca , [Hitokiri] , 4sakntaln , MesTiz0 , Napalm , schittywok , Cug@ , gimisom , Domn8r , JOEKER , Sinner , dunkertim , Tweekend , WalPOW , Fatalerror , BuckMaster , JeSter , djdell82 , RatTerrier , CdnWolf , socojoe , Beretta , MAYH3M , XLOG33 , youngblood , RockstarAlchemist , LadyD , Randomness , Malicite , pluto , linkero , LastMan101 , Kahllan , Carver , Dojan , LacrymosaJ , FiveRings , RipRock , Scitek , killer1959 , LionusRex , BSmuv , R.A.T.X8 , cryos , Kin , PiG , JimBeam , dethpunch , Samurai , iugradn2002 , Dayton , Kohl , BL00DBATH , Sedi , fuzzyrye , WarChick , Slaughter , Broderick , DeV , selimsrm , Z^ , Vyper , Banem , AlphaWolf , veail121 , Jo|{eR , Rhaegara , Hammy , Stryker , Irisheyez , GreenEyed , ravensshade , TPounder , Jettwing , aycee , R3ruN , Azrael , Conspiracy , gunsargeramalls , Snow Thrower , caPWNacus , Surge , NightBeast , Sm0k3d_2 , Christina , txdude82 , Apheration , Buzz , ReSpawN , Bravetoaster , De e Ja , P4C1F1CU5 , usiris , Bullet , Penguin , xBEERx , herpesore , MazeX , pieces , Dreadnaught , Kevincible , .spYder. , DiRTyTuRTLe , complex , littlesnitch , Sneaky6 , SnapShotone , Bodasmoke , J-Will , Drudgenaut , Fragment , Papa Merlin , Theshortone73 , The Jaspercat , acidic , RobotMosh , Mystanious , TempesTGLoRY , Odyssey420 , Logan-5 , GoreGasm4 , podowns , Damon , Sparty , sbdblyss , Gr8ElevenBravo , BombThreat , Nilcode , Steveo243 , Silentsteel101 , BloodyNine , Hat , Jrv , silvwarrior , Commy , sibu , 9Fivebravo , ComradeSponte , Reven91 , BooTeKhal , TPDelta1 , kitsune VX9 , HappY , xyrelle , PR0D1GY , Fazed , Ge0kolmi0 , ltlebluedragon , ImperatorKon , bluesnut , Deadunicorn , twisedlives , Tac , Kraze695 , Dima , cartinfan , Shootbacca , Lestat616 , Ibravos , fearthisneo , Fallen , MMonsoor , pressben , Stankyl3g , khord , ShrimpToast , AlacrityFitzugh , Kyle v0 , Bang , gerrickax , Ozyz , Blode , Azie , jiongray , Kissler , kingcobra , shadowolf , Lt-Kernel , BustANut , Kento , Truss77 , Lightning-Z , mark577 , Shadowbane , mcw10684 , hows , DrKrink , MrSnippy , Aylesberg , darkmatter , Doc , reac1337 , Operational , Ripster , Cleverlight , TinyOzora , PBR-Streetgang , MegaDove , Ravare , DeadlyButters , ShugahBear , fireseal , WetSand , Big Kahuna , thepang , Jamuraii , Carm , Mordorith , Zoitter , ExtraSoap , ThePh3nom , Dessik , Berenerd , FoX1335 , Griffith , Zenton8787 , Rich1963 , JDCollie , sloidsnak5 , heartbreakridge , dreameater , Zinx , ZeDIRTYRussian , Easyyy , manders623 , joecowdery24 , TruckerGloom , Refugee , F12osTii , bullwinkle , Andraste Enigma , Andor , Grathalas , Alexicon , xiphas , Rux , JollyBadger , Th3PurpleSmurf , therealquaid , Duke Nukem TX , Morimasa , xXReiBearXx , Mr Grim , couch982 , Krimikpaladin , DrewwDogg , Norkos , sharkskinjr , RollOn7 , Nowitko , graytiger , NukingFuts99 , zilko , dancingbulldawg , LightningWaffle , Clunas , Haus , wipper , amouse , Vormex , Hugostiglitz , Philly46 , Ron L , Lord_Lemmiwinks , lbpunn , KitsuneRagnell , ReanimeJoe , Cirove , bptrav , DesertHawk , MinusII , Hoax8D , Azure , Horridgirrafe , Subbss , BodyCount , Eisekopf , syrus64209 , Fubar904 , Dimebag101proof , Eagle_Alex_ , Animus41 , Dunkelschatten , Falcon , thatguy , RMAX , zee9287 , theseedfromhell , Arretez , Joddes , Unphazable , Deathdrop , El_Mustachio , Dan813 , ANGRY MARINE , Maddogicus , Shadowmoon , TheOutlawJosieWhales , JonyRottn , Knight Twisted , slider1578 , c911darkwolf , VinceBlack , WidowMaker , HawaiiJon , Ozzymandias , Alaan Thryner , Roboguy224 , ninjitsu , Axis , BudaTheGreat , IceMarbles , tzmndevill , Arsenal Gear , Quagmire , Gettysburg_1863 , Slayer2218 , Zip , Ultima-Ratios , xxxHellcatsxxx , RobuteGuilliman , Stew , D4em0nd , Terazuka , EagerFusillade , AntisocialAaron , Divercity , Oxblood , ANTI-HERO , DarkMyth , Jevazide , Sovereign_M , Eifwen , Ormadil , RedMonster , Tawmcruize , muldreck , slozon , Santa Claus , Detonated , DirtyOxyClean , J , GeneralEDU , LuRcH , CharlieTriGuy , grantavius13 , J_REB , Croocker s47 , AlaskanStew , Gerz601 , moeron88 , SadisticGrunt , Dubandubs , Stockwrangler , Gimpzen , Mike80Yota , NatGarro , Deusalmighty , silentdiesel , sadboymt , JustMorg , LT SHARKIN , Captain_Chainsaw , Hells_Hoon , CounterAttack22 , Dano , Satanic_Dude , Sternreiter , ForgotN , AmandaBeloved , BIGxJAKE , Porkchopz , Ceroon , cake_pan , Swiddy , KillH4wk , xeno360 , Dessel , General_Hyde , Liranator , Sun , Elitereaper , Refurius , rainz1991 , NorthGuard , Lucky24565 , Jasko , LegacyChaotic , uNkMyJuNk , ChaozVenom , LowBridge , authenticx , Winston84 , Oopsidied , Toki , Zathee , Destroyka , Wesker , DaGoldenBall , Predimus , Nawcor , TehShortbus , platinumxsniper , Press Vest , Bobert , Arbius V'Talik , tiggertazz , Uneek , O_Kole , Shreducation , 3dayzoff , IH8BANDITS , MILITANT KIPPER , SilentDragon , chukline , SerSnow , Grizzer , Lawlikaust , timothus , 8Bitties , Cjernaga , Trigger Devotee , firegoat , SaintEstevan , Badwolfs , ComradeJohn , Cheekaay , DaKon , ISpeakJive , gnorman , TankMenace , sufak , TheShadowForce , Maddog551 , Unknown , The Creepler , shadowknight14 , Ghengis Manson , Chief , Bigbadpete54 , caveman , AverageAaron , BobtheBear , wounded fawn , keyz , NavyJonathan , Edison Severasse , mdjones4 , ds_kyle , Saleema , ace102 , Dator , dlamdlam3 , Angry Cub , ashy larry , silenthitter , Cert , Mac , TurtleMan , Von Reinthaler , ShadyBastard , Shreeden , northofnowhere , EvvoSO , DitchRich , Nightmare , pontios4life , Uncle Si , Major Woopaz , Ziriix , Gamesta64 , Cptsnuggles , Paul_On_Mars , chuckluss , Saintsvu , EZKatnipz , ginjaninja , Reaper0217 , Malaikvavit , Mr. Wolf , Dragule , Scarpia , Broncs , Snakeman442 , Phactory81 , XanderBawss , Noble , AFluffyBrick , Tcamp14 , MajorJJ , Savage , Major Ecker , bassdrumma , thorper , Laeviathin , White Timberwolf , Azumazi , Chillerside , Darktrooper_ , GGarcia1 , zaxpower , Silbern , Twin , Rogue79 , Linville_33 , BeerGolf , TheMaxedout , Lothior , Daedalus_Above , Guitarzan , Khal_Thrax , Hobo , HandyAndy , Beaches , Bloodsport , Brikka_Brakka , orbiter688 , Goldfinger00799 , Keplin , Karmie , Zeon , freebird , Lucic17_Bourque77 , Ronson44 , FALOMAN_USMC , Big_Dylan , Colonel Fouts , sarpikos , OneDeagz , Chottic , Waggel , youalrightbro , Tomatopastemoose , Ni Meleth Li , strahd , Buckwild , ZekeTheKamikaze , ChezyBacn , Jason Bouchard , Austin , kanex , aristriah , mrpopnfresh , Wargramps , Sirs81 , Starshine , Bannor4 , GARKKeepars , CoderedKilla , Naceo , Cozmic , k0mmandant , lurkinwilli , Micah , wicked , Mister_Torsten , mike6512 , ChrissyV , OrangishPurple , Trem Fantasma , johnnypats2 , Zooks , ZISMAN , acunningone , Ziam12 , Ahur , EliZacharias , RedneckCasanova , Shion , KAIZIEL , roughneck4321 , TehShortbusTest , DunnaStunna , Agent Maryland , theranger7 , lVladdog , Obvious , wunder , Drunkjedi , Ayumi , StillbornTitan , Apatz , beast666 , PropheC , Bl33db4me666 , =Lagger= , Vlad , tookieroberts , Faugh_a_Ballagh , Diffuse , Suds , Zer0Dark30 , Whiteboy , Borgscout , PiMichel , Phopant , MagenShae , Vishnej , Cyborg75 , Ninja , Gneisler , OverWatch , ThePewPewLayzr , HeplMeh , Baconalia , TidesRollin , yurisan , Antigone , War_God , OG MrClean 4L , cursivearmy , Depletion , WAKA , xaftrshock , Rugerdie , Edget , Yaa Yaa , Tigger2017 , Takeover , Nick , Breech , Aurum , STR8TFLEXN , Bowgetta , SaiRoland , Neechee , junitho92 , Jonas , Peyton , Bahumbug2u2 , Cowboy_Killer_463 , Tallion_Warrior , Wilfred , Paula_George , Cake , McCosh , DogMonster , Tankerotomy , Deadeye2033 , Possum_marksman , TheSaltyMahwah , TehShortbusTest2 , TehShortbusTest3 , TehShortbusTest4 , TehShortbusTest55 , Wellthatsnotgood , little_MAN_1027 , LoverBoyUSA , vbrockv , Static-Bullet , Heaney , Kaz , KRYPT3CH , Decibel , Hampz , RedBeard , EasyGaming , DMHemmi1 , Umadchallenger , Killerpopcorn , BrodoSwaggins , TimtheBigDaddy , Josappy , Nadon , BazingaThat , 30_tonn_ninja , Fatman , SubZeroZid , DonavonR , DKChef , Secondo , Ximzabar , Pebcak , Wraith , Ramrodski , Destry , tango , hmantheawsome , LedMedic343 , coolengineer , BoredHero , hosey187 , Gord , H4V0C , Zkterror , lou133 , Thinner , Sacu , Yebbert , Selica , bubbastump , Rockdwg , Leetsauce , mpLsPhilly , NycEclipse , Chewtoi , UnknownSniperD , Flapjack , Aaron , jmkrazy , Spezerei , Grant , WiskeyJak , Barman , Zer0_Point , pointdexter , Monk269 , chbix , Loaded Monkey , INFIDEL , gatorontheloose , Philimon , DthJester , ClericSandman , SkullSmasher , Drayus , Samn , XrayPunk , Zerric , Lucasoar , Shawnzee , Bernout , Caddyshack , Ronaldmcpwncakes , CARWRECK , RubberRudder , Captain_Dilbert , Ravhir , iCrAzY75 , Sameoldg , Lufty , Caffeine , JayBee , SWAMPRAT51 , Thorne , Steel , VAR0K , SatansBurrito , Killersoldier1 , darrylwilcox95 , Tumblin , Phoenix , LurchRTS , Dwight , KolaRice , nick1009 , Konfliction , Droc , Jesse , ZarX , bdave , Marley , vipersnake57 , TinyMarine , Nepoleon , HundoHelix , RossaLuna , Skrem , tobiasblack07 , Pafire , D4RK-_- , SubOhms , Otrovakruf , Snowy , XBombtek , Unclepappy , Helmut , enlyghten , Jaidis , ZERO , Kingmoses , Donkey69 , lionhartsteel , Thumper_E23 , Senji , lancerous92 , Caotyk , Tck , Kahmu84 , AfLoganStan , ArmyAl , Weekly , Akado , hotdogman527 , ke5wtj , Polybeast , Enigster , Cieljek , Sam , CoknLok , V1P3R617 , Lethal dose , Denbolv , WhiskeyAlpha7 , CanadianKid98 , beast , IKECVBG , MrRed , cchap , AUFICER , Tython , Hobo_GT , Pes_45 , jreasondunn , Arnwulf , Wolfhound73 , Sigismund , ButteredToastTV , Squidage , Cricket Soldier , NofxShun , Zarnicolas , Sir-Dome , Airegin , Saint , Klownpsycho42 , Herbert , .SpydeR , twofkbrotal , Ischemia , Zerbbz , Tdp12 , tripwolkje , L3tum , Antykain , D-Ler , Blunts , Quad Fortunis , COLT , Rayturd , JudeSaint , Kumaa , abelzw , ezwiggy23 , Shancey , andreus618 , Qybixxx , Murlokk , WeterWater , ItsDoctorJ , Vol , cosm0 , Hurley , RedBull_21 , d0gz1lla , Joe_Dumb , Wild_Bill_Peacock , Unlucky Star , Franch , KnightmareMoon , iTzHoff , RogueShadow , DarkFireWolfe57 , Rikan , Rythcan , 2Step , AncientOne , Shacklackey , Ratt35 , ShooterAK , Blighty , Aarmina , 21pokemon12 , Mysterious Powers , Konigiya , Valin63 , noname118 , Potato_Nose , SPQA_Legion , SoftInsanity , Negklar , Kalevel , tiggerib , KisukeNephilim , 1stmasterdragonqueen , Spartuz , Red , halolord1023 , Gridlock14 , xXImmortusXx , AaronT , Locksly , SatansAce , Meeks , TheWookieWay , CaptnBellamy , WildGinger85 , Mjank , Phantom Rogue , duo555 , Antihero , chnchapters , Anarchy , WarDaddy , Slob , seahunter , CFO , Ranger , Action7447 , SkullCracker , thmadtinker , Postal Psychosis , ShotgundZombie , Ralph , kazyclay , Casper , Static , ScaryT , Prose_Hack , AblativeNate , AnchorSnake , Enderdrp , Commander_Blitzleader24 , Catwrestler , Pixi , UristMcJungler , Hangry_Hippo , a_bard , JesterGR , humboldtNation , demondragon , chrisbug2394 , trizvi96 , MacTatoes , harleiquill
Army Service Ribbon Army Service Ribbon Army Service Ribbon
Awarded to all members who successfully complete the =VX9= recruitment phase.

Members who received this award: 2831
, firesealadmin , Thorvald666 , Maniac , Gravis , BigDawg , Ripper , PapaBear , Jamooz , Kaburan , Johnnybadass , GhostCell , Moonshine , mower1 , MaDLiNgO , Bi0 , CdnAirborne , GimP , Kindbud , Hightower , Ab|es , Warpig007 , ABEL , MrAnderson , Junkhead , Sic , spanky , dragbike , Shady , Warthog , Flair , CycoSomat1c , Kyoden , pixel , rahzel , andyr , Hollowpoint , jebbler , GenSeneca , [Hitokiri] , 4sakntaln , MesTiz0 , Napalm , schittywok , Cug@ , gimisom , Domn8r , JOEKER , Sinner , dunkertim , Tweekend , WalPOW , Synistor , Fatalerror , BuckMaster , JeSter , djdell82 , RatTerrier , CdnWolf , socojoe , Beretta , MAYH3M , XLOG33 , youngblood , RockstarAlchemist , LadyD , Randomness , Malicite , pluto , linkero , LastMan101 , Kahllan , Carver , Dojan , LacrymosaJ , FiveRings , RipRock , Scitek , killer1959 , LionusRex , BSmuv , mrwestfall , R.A.T.X8 , cryos , Kin , PiG , JimBeam , dethpunch , Samurai , iugradn2002 , Dayton , Kohl , BL00DBATH , Sedi , fuzzyrye , WarChick , Slaughter , Broderick , DeV , 2m3k3 , selimsrm , Z^ , Hockfan86 , Aksu6 , Vyper , Banem , SephJoe , AlphaWolf , veail121 , AkimboAssassin , Jo|{eR , Rhaegara , fstark , Hammy , zelmaN , PointKiller , Stryker , Irisheyez , Poppa , GreenEyed , ravensshade , VashTheStampede , TPounder , Jettwing , KingKrazy , aycee , FUBAR , Scoperanger , R3ruN , .:k9:. , Azrael , Conspiracy , Nullkrush , R3AP3R , gunsargeramalls , Snow Thrower , caPWNacus , Surge , RaZoR , NecroNinja , NightBeast , Sm0k3d_2 , Christina , DJS94 , txdude82 , Apheration , Buzz , Korv , angrymojo , atomtan , Rescue , Radisma , snuffaluffagus , MadMac , XizorGetspeed , AvengeR3 , Sticx , ReSpawN , Bravetoaster , nuklear , De e Ja , chirikotoji , AngryWretch , America X , Cowboy838 , Boogyman , P4C1F1CU5 , usiris , neverm1nd , Bullet , Penguin , xBEERx , herpesore , MazeX , Longbow , pieces , Dreadnaught , Kevincible , .spYder. , DiRTyTuRTLe , Fuzztone , complex , victor_bear , AlphaQ2 , littlesnitch , Sneaky6 , SnapShotone , Bodasmoke , Mauhdeeb , GrimReaper , Chronic , Und3rt0w , RenManfu , J-Will , jonsyrose , Drudgenaut , Fragment , Papa Merlin , Theshortone73 , The Jaspercat , Big Daddy , acidic , RobotMosh , d34thblo0m , Mystanious , TempesTGLoRY , Odyssey420 , Logan-5 , Soulzityr , toolnumbr5 , Dyssent , GoreGasm4 , podowns , Rylde , Damon , Brown1775 , Sparty , sbdblyss , Gr8ElevenBravo , BombThreat , Nilcode , Steveo243 , convergd , fishbot , Silentsteel101 , QuikSilverSVT , Flag , BloodyNine , iproJordon , Hat , dwasko , Jrv , silvwarrior , Commy , sibu , Captivia , 9Fivebravo , chocobomoto , ComradeSponte , vese , Kraftjerk , Reven91 , BooTeKhal , TheFoeHammer , Stixicks , Arturitoburrito , Darkspy , Renoramen , riseofr1ce , MonstobLee , TPDelta1 , dakumaul , kitsune VX9 , tazlord34 , Lawlypop , DarkwingD453 , stephan.houchin , HappY , xyrelle , PR0D1GY , Oldfishy , Fazed , Ge0kolmi0 , ltlebluedragon , Zeliwin , ImperatorKon , bluesnut , AMGpoptarts , Xenonn , Deadunicorn , twisedlives , Tac , Deviant_Phantom , Donj , Kraze695 , demonicfoe , Dima , cartinfan , waffflecakes , King_Kazma , Shootbacca , Manick , Gruberman , Sl0thh209 , Lestat616 , Ibravos , fearthisneo , Rhybred , EnzYmeS , Fallen , Brasi , MMonsoor , pressben , iantheausguy , Stankyl3g , khord , ShrimpToast , Sharpie , ArmedOmalley , AlacrityFitzugh , Kyle v0 , ManBearPig , Bang , Tulias , WontonSoup , mirwalk , spenfish , gerrickax , jrwelder , Ozyz , CBsquared , Krythan , manterm , Kljucis , xXGundyXx , Blode , Smithway , Azie , jiongray , Kissler , kingcobra , shadowolf , Lt-Kernel , Valius691 , BustANut , Kento , neo1096 , Truss77 , rooken , Lightning-Z , mark577 , Shadowbane , mcw10684 , hows , DrKrink , Vancer2 , MrSnippy , Morriak85 , Badoober , Aylesberg , darkmatter , Doc , spillzmuchgutz , JazmsJoker , ClasicColaTaste , Conquistador , reac1337 , Operational , Ripster , Ryuuka , Corpsman , Boneheaded , atrium , Cleverlight , Myrtman , Skipp Jones , TinyOzora , PBR-Streetgang , Bailey , Wull , raftan , TheEntireWorld , MegaDove , Romullus , Ravare , DeadlyButters , ShugahBear , fireseal , WetSand , masterk9 , Abjam , adam4031 , EvilBatman , Big Kahuna , thepang , Jamuraii , giojoeg , Carm , Gozo , Mordorith , Zoitter , Consilient , ExtraSoap , Merc2474 , NixonsHead , ThePh3nom , Dessik , Berenerd , FoX1335 , Gunner75 , Griffith , Zenton8787 , Rich1963 , JDCollie , sloidsnak5 , heartbreakridge , dreameater , Zinx , BulletWaster , Haze , ZeDIRTYRussian , Easyyy , nelmr , Warchild_in_NC , Raymodeus , manders623 , bpaddack , joecowdery24 , BudaKhan , haz212 , zflocco , Burgha , TruckerGloom , Hawkby , Refugee , imonfire29 , Florp , Highonwater3 , charlton44 , F12osTii , bullwinkle , Automatica , Andraste Enigma , aksident , Insomnion , BZERKER , EXKGB , Andor , Grathalas , Alexicon , Nexnactu , r33ko , xiphas , Braka , Rux , Dehstroyer , Knoxx , JollyBadger , rebar46 , CrusaderCon , Emica115607 , Gutbutton , Rundown24 , WarSaw , silverace99 , ProfessorDanny , Th3PurpleSmurf , Graeves , therealquaid , iink , Duke Nukem TX , Morimasa , Tekusi , Aiyvas , Synthessence , batu94 , xXReiBearXx , SCAR17S , Mr Grim , Cptdoughnuts , BacotOne , StreetYoda , Tehbushey , couch982 , Krimikpaladin , DrewwDogg , Norkos , Tushar_1995 , sharkskinjr , RollOn7 , Ebil Piwat , Lepanen , Nowitko , graytiger , NukingFuts99 , Wrench , zilko , VexitronPrime , Nytflyr , dancingbulldawg , LightningWaffle , BigDawgSteve , Clunas , selects , Haus , LordFurious , max.power , XwowdudeX , wipper , PSquared , Bedren , amouse , XForCE07 , Vormex , shanlar , Ramachandra , Frozenrose , hondargurl , Fat Tony , lbeemer , Hugostiglitz , Vickeee , hypersniper05 , Broken Caliber , Philly46 , Ron L , rbannon87 , Drago , trewteo , Sindro , KJFett , stuporficial , Lord_Lemmiwinks , mini0n , MrGanjies , Trendkilla , IRwlz , fATboY15x , Strythe , demitry76 , Mrblue520 , josefin16 , Whitey , StaffordiousRex , Semtex , lbpunn , Mxracer3651 , ArtsyJennie , KitsuneRagnell , tintinmilou , Th3F3LL4S , ReanimeJoe , antiniusfox , AkumaRook , WyDale , Gelnath , Zqt , Cirove , bptrav , Madsabre , Holy_Knight_AD , hejzan , Kinraze , DesertHawk , MinusII , Hoax8D , BloodInfidel , BumblingDeath , fizz14 , HappyKillMore , cato , SiHawk , Speedius , ironfist08 , Jester327 , Skyvar , Silverneck , HelsBane , Abbadon , xXTravesdyXx , porterFstout , Rogue2124 , Azure , Apebble38 , Horridgirrafe , Saloes27 , Subbss , BodyCount , Robryn , Steadyshot , Flynn316 , Axio , Eisekopf , Violynta , Enodaed , Cymus , IRPepper , Vofoa , Eisenlancer , risk-7o2 , syrus64209 , mitsuomi , EVILSTRIKE , xXMizuXx , SafetyIsOFF , thedoctor , Cubandaddy , 32T , Fubar904 , 121GreenKnights , Masriel , Iceandiron , FatherofDeath , DevilDog , FiNRG , Sh4dowed2rtuh , TradingHaddock , rabidbunny , Dimebag101proof , ZeroCool , iceman311 , talongor , Eagle_Alex_ , Mulon , t0nyz0r , DCBronco , Animus41 , Cannon Fodder , Dunkelschatten , Falcon , thatguy , RMAX , zee9287 , Hoppy253 , theseedfromhell , Arretez , Mrae , Pontifex , playmaker , Joddes , Unphazable , Deathdrop , proz01 , El_Mustachio , Sepp72 , Dan813 , WarPriest , ANGRY MARINE , Maddogicus , Shadowmoon , Paindisciple , TheOutlawJosieWhales , Thomasbayy , JonyRottn , Knight Twisted , gamerhater , Chang , XXRcLutch , Sylvinia , BoomGetSome , cjberry89 , slider1578 , c911darkwolf , Shutthup , VinceBlack , TakeoPrime , Salty The Knife , theM94 , chaotique , Sgt_Coy , daddy_gab , WidowMaker , HawaiiJon , HornetRed , yakub0 , Refuge , XxSeekrxX , Wing , Caboose57 , jrholdt , Ozzymandias , Alaan Thryner , Bergle , Dolomightie , Eastwind72 , SgtSuicide , StarFishes , SamTon1000 , Roboguy224 , Solnithey , USMCSecretSquirrel , ninjitsu , Zalinski , FrigateLT , Axis , NC01Immortal , bwilfing , DarkMoonRising , HOUDINI2 , Beartrax1 , der_geist , BudaTheGreat , IceMarbles , rammenstein , tzmndevill , Arsenal Gear , Squishypride , Quagmire , RichieGrape , FluffyRice , Gettysburg_1863 , crak , csvking , BlindOldMan , Baruul , tank_magnet , Slayer2218 , Zip , Pyrozet , Zargfrarg , Ultima-Ratios , Hazard , jester1957 , xxxHellcatsxxx , RobuteGuilliman , TheGeekz , Stew , maximman1 , HunterLrd , D4em0nd , Terazuka , EagerFusillade , dblack , 1sonzach , AntisocialAaron , Divercity , Bloodfenris , Oxblood , ANTI-HERO , baNkAlLdAy , Noname9 , Invaded , LiquidNite9 , Sacrillegious , DarkMyth , Jevazide , D3ATH94 , JERKEMIAH , lawdog210 , BillyBaroo , Sovereign_M , Derrbs , erc1971 , Eifwen , Ormadil , MR_SNOWDEN , RedMonster , Warox , Frosty2200 , fragelay , maco , Coolio , Kalevra , theo71 , SCREAM , Pandastratton , daddio64 , Noacuracy , NoX!OuS , 3CK0 , Valis , Tawmcruize , soldier , OhCrap , Cailid , muldreck , JoelsNYCgirl , deenny-us- , Zeo , Slotch922 , slozon , jwbeck112 , CorkScrew772 , Meolestanks , Santa Claus , Detonated , IKillthings , Ansalon , TightestButthole , shorty5150 , perdweeb , existentialvoid , Whalebait , _Drama_ , Sukov , DirtyOxyClean , Shak3rs , J , strobe1965 , L0nGb0w , zevillageidiot , GeneralEDU , Fragm{EM}all , Magnetics , Zmerc , LuRcH , CharlieTriGuy , Klammath , grantavius13 , MarcMyTarget , curtwg , SteelRat , J_REB , cyberblaster , Ngao13 , IXIAbsynthIXI , GeorgeCP , Croocker s47 , AlaskanStew , Gerz601 , deepblue202 , Roland , moeron88 , Sirpoozalot , SadisticGrunt , Dubandubs , Tangeer , BwenEmos , Stockwrangler , lexicorn , Hintzke , Findail , vgravezz , Hawkgeface , AncientAngel , Gimpzen , Emperor2K , Axterminator , Mike80Yota , WILD , CALUS , carbuncle , Tehdood , NatGarro , MajesticBeard , Mogs , _KaptKrunch_ , scottoski , Deusalmighty , VengeanceGaming , silentdiesel , MoFoOTY , AwakeningDeath , gcarson , sadboymt , Scribler , JustMorg , LT SHARKIN , Captain_Chainsaw , Adventsblood , ninjanabe , The_last_soviet , nomad_93 , Hells_Hoon , Herzog.T , Manloriel , Malibuz0r , IChernobogI , fotweny , CounterAttack22 , TheHarlequine , Dano , Satanic_Dude , R1ADEN , Billdozer , Sternreiter , Kryllo , jdean , GreyGear , ForgotN , Kirron , keenum23 , Spinner , Rust_in_Peace , ozzyman , LimBob , Billythekid , Lothor , Lord_Marshal , D3athTh3K1d , Dislexic_Jester , nervous.wreck , vonseris , AmandaBeloved , doverkill , Odinrepo , kardonhbk , BIGxJAKE , Severn , Porkchopz , Ceroon , Nicrolis , Crabxcore69 , cake_pan , UV-Badman , Swiddy , McDuffy , Xenocat , KillH4wk , xeno360 , CounterEv , Xavierpadget , SwedishEOD , Dessel , DoctorNocturnal , General_Hyde , Kamikaze , Super_Gaia , AppleSaws , rnlmeat00666 , xareliusx , Liranator , Wasted Spaceman , Mounirkhoudeir , Sun , DanTaylor , Angoluce , HolyStones , Elitereaper , Levus105 , mercyx21 , Refurius , rainz1991 , NorthGuard , Mutara , carl69 , Lucky24565 , Lilpenny , Jasko , Mister_Smith , scubandym , Kincaid , Str8T4nkin , vi3tfool , BreedwellGaming , Blivinity , DCSOHIOBEAR , ROWDYF90 , Storm0378 , 2Cents , BetaOmega , LegacyChaotic , Muskogee , WhiteDusk , uNkMyJuNk , Native , ChaozVenom , Blitz , LowBridge , authenticx , DeathFmAbove , FUTOO , OldYeoman , Winston84 , Oopsidied , ROLLINGTHUND3R , VlaMerTjiE , John_Bigbootay , Zirach , RaideN , Harliqyn , MasterOC , Lieutenant_Horn , Luke3000 , Ymirx , Psymon , Toki , Zathee , B4rOnAir , FrenchyO11 , clt8276 , SgtStockclerk , Linden1 , Destroyka , Wesker , DaGoldenBall , gregg86 , Manimal , AyeJay , Predimus , 11___TS___11 , Burningstar , Dakgu , Nawcor , TehShortbus , platinumxsniper , Press Vest , ajpopa , Foxarrows , King , CuBe , Bobert , Arbius V'Talik , tiggertazz , kleinekai , GambitKK , Imposingtoast , kingofkings1124 , NOLA Chris , Uneek , Viper , olshalf , O_Kole , Deuces , Stoner , TonesDeez27 , levicory , Mike234 , Shreducation , shallowc , BlackDahliah , tombstone9160 , Demonox01 , btkmr5 , coops968 , Daxxter , 3dayzoff , Starving , sweetaffroman , Raesah , LloydL , IH8BANDITS , Riddz , miffy , ripnig , NE5 , vaerwind , Draco Redux , Hartmann , locologan94 , xDChanonx , MILITANT KIPPER , SilentDragon , chukline , SerSnow , Grizzer , KristoWave , Lawlikaust , timothus , Kr0sphyre , Lexister , CarbonViper , SoulFox , takiflower , JaimeM , Anubi , 8Bitties , Cjernaga , Pagg , Trigger Devotee , firegoat , Thefenix , SaintEstevan , wilson15j , amazinggreg , rhg0d , soul_steal , Badwolfs , dead_short , Red The Fury , ComradeJohn , Cheekaay , DaKon , tagsrdumb , StarbuckBC86 , TheKillerHippo7 , AkumaKungFuRock , riggss9405 , Gennero , ISpeakJive , SpaceSloth , gnorman , pskitz , JamesGuth , khpunt , lookabigfoot , devour521 , ZoRGatH , Oth3rSide , TankMenace , ARMYBUG808 , sufak , TheShadowForce , fuente_opusX , Kabuto87 , Lokichaotic , W1z4rd , Xdestroyer92X , Ac3Trigga , Defose , Maddog551 , werdcon , Lostanfoundit , Pyrhrt , Lord Inquintarus , Excitonex , Unknown , Beneviolence , TGPhoenix , DBKYWI , HeyZeus , Archamedes666 , KaptKaos , LighterToast , FireFighter , Alestrius , Gh0u1 , The Creepler , Tueton , Josh , shadowknight14 , Ghengis Manson , Chief , Bigbadpete54 , caveman , Tnakyzyr , CobR , ShadowedSoul90 , Dreamz , AverageAaron , BobtheBear , wounded fawn , keyz , iMpAl3R , NavyJonathan , RockinDocin , Edison Severasse , be11atrix , xenvega , johnowns45 , GunjaKing71 , mdjones4 , MedicaL , captainclooless , CGarlock , ds_kyle , lautaross13 , Venecemo187 , Neonshine , Saleema , badioo , ace102 , Dator , dlamdlam3 , jallenlots , Angry Cub , rabbit , ashy larry , VagrantDead , Wrip , silenthitter , Hase , Xiapher , GanjaPalooza , MNSane1 , Cert , Chaosking522 , SnypaZprO , Mac , TurtleMan , Von Reinthaler , Maliko , ShadyBastard , bigdubs99 , Shreeden , Tasselhoff , iD , northofnowhere , yi3o8 , cl36m , oxgon , Vold , Expropriate , RangingWolf , Savage_Salvage , StandUp713 , EvvoSO , Findaeloss , 0ouo0 , DitchRich , burntcherrycoke , mosesjohn , Kapoet , cjthagr8one , Klovian , Chuck , Viral , Nightmare , Zesty , warreo , pontios4life , Uncle Si , Major Woopaz , johnbudz , Ziriix , Ch1L5t3R , Smaukin , Gamesta64 , CustomTrendzInc. , Cptsnuggles , Paul_On_Mars , freezorburn , MimiSiku , JohnDeereGirl , chuckluss , Thannix , Brakified , RandomShell , LoneGhostOne , Saintsvu , DevilDog7 , navyguy58000 , EZKatnipz , john , ginjaninja , caliptic , CromDome245 , Kain , DGatos42 , Trauma Toyz , Stuguy , JodyHighroller , Stealthykiller42 , readyonthegun , SKULLGHOST177 , IantheCarrier , Reaper0217 , lilwings14 , FlexBravo , BDizzy , freebly , Malaikvavit , Mr. Wolf , isimmon , Rsvirus , TaintedOvaries , ZoMbiee , FIXER , THUMPer , Kaiser , Dragule , Kogisa , CrOnIkLeAf , Grym.Aequitas , RayCharlie , ChrisJH , Nate33 , Moonshoez , Scarpia , Broncs , Grayrage , C0okieM0nsterJr , Snakeman442 , Phactory81 , Azraphael , WestCat , troll096 , dannyh , EDALBTHGINK , Hitarko , Frodoizzle , LunarShift0307 , snakette , XanderBawss , iNozzel , Noble , AFluffyBrick , mephane , Tcamp14 , bobebob , MajorJJ , Throttl , Gordon , Savage , Cannonflack , ICURUNING , forbileo , McErskine , Sgt_Oddball , Wet , SatanicTwinkey , batuka , Major Ecker , armyman2445 , nuka cola victory , Scotland , Green , bassdrumma , shawnx1995 , thorper , PTY997 , Laeviathin , Zerstoror , White Timberwolf , Blue , Gr3G , captfelkin2 , RaDario , Lilithae , Beyne , hexose , Eltraz , Azumazi , Chillerside , Grease-Monkey , Darktrooper_ , Babemagnet01 , berkelsk87 , braladr , Typical Evan , Mr. White , GGarcia1 , Viper1988 , Carnifex257 , zaxpower , Silbern , mckinney420 , Twin , CommieConscript , Ganondorf2002 , aCcorsio , Mr.Kraut , US_IronTanker , Huntingwabbits01 , VongolaXXX , Rogue79 , Sig938 , MrChubbyNumnums , Linville_33 , faust_sketcher , Phearghail , Aggressive Salad , 7up , bufurd , Lone Ranger , Kutsua , Maxillius , dudeman , BeerGolf , Predirect , CaptainRex , TheMaxedout , Lothior , TooMuchButNeverEnough , Daedalus_Above , Moechar , Supreme_Bananas , Guitarzan , _Maggis_ , Arran678 , Mevennos , woodinstaller , Khal_Thrax , Hobo , Traidos , emergencyLemon , HandyAndy , Tadaskay , Epic Lazers , Slayer , KilleR_P3nGuiN , moderhead , Beaches , Lyconnus , Bloodsport , Dragonawh , Freeballin523 , incan , FreightTrain , Grendelkitty , Kernalpancakes , Leeward Grand , Knifester , nest4502 , Schauffer_7 , Brass , kilroy_was_here , Unrael , Hammertop , Brikka_Brakka , Rar.Pein-Train , EnVizsion , orbiter688 , Goldfinger00799 , Disintegrate , Keplin , Zortron , Karmie , Presurvation , Zeon , Jack3D , Riley , Zigg , freebird , Rob , goat , Lucic17_Bourque77 , vril , imported_Thorvald666 , Erica_Harbor , TheChins , Ronson44 , Despairbear , Charlie_Bolitho , arte_3t_marte , mrpenguinx , Fierce_Silence , Yaroze , FALOMAN_USMC , Big_Dylan , Colonel Fouts , JS33RD , Warmaniac4212 , XanthiusKrood , RandomRefills , CarnevilCrusader , chris mcinnes , sarpikos , babyfacekilluh , StanEustisSmith , Burn , SempiternalDevil , Stug_life , OneDeagz , Chottic , Waggel , Duhb , youalrightbro , Tomatopastemoose , Dr.Cewwy , Boomer , Radu , Ni Meleth Li , strahd , Buckwild , ZekeTheKamikaze , tiberius2552 , themanwithanrx7 , Kev , viper3905gt , TheHuntingW0lf , ChezyBacn , Joe_Beers , FrenchConnection , Jason Bouchard , Austin , DECK_OF_CARDS , MaximumDiabeetus , Innis_Gunn , kanex , redux , aristriah , Stig , mrpopnfresh , Kimiyosis , plow21 , Serno , Wargramps , Sirs81 , qikdeath , fauxfire , Euphorio , Starshine , Bannor4 , GARKKeepars , MustardFuzz , Deathwand , CoderedKilla , Naceo , Cozmic , Mashieman , Kuazi , pancake_pirate , k0mmandant , DKYoungfajita , lurkinwilli , LostProphet95 , Micah , die4in2style0 , wicked , RedGiraf , WalSkittles , KBombSTi , Nickolarse , SilentWolf , lotorin , budda_5 , Zulu_Six , shmoopy2251 , Jagare , hawakii , Dallas , WeededFawn , Mister_Torsten , Cai_shen , FrodoTBaggins , katamasu , Danrski , rrb1399 , wenty321 , Alligatorr , Vaulteck , mike6512 , Agememnon , stycks2009 , Jodah175 , monkertrol , Vanthia , Heyzeus13 , Black_anvil , lee1984 , Kildar , Heelfan , BarnaciousC , PKxANCIENT , ChrissyV , Jimbos87 , X-DoctorINsane-X , willchil , Ghost_ITMachine , OrangishPurple , RandyxN , Trem Fantasma , johnnypats2 , Errleyes , Shenpa , Ottster006 , Madmax777 , Grimm519 , Zooks , Winterwether , Punishthewicked , ZISMAN , acunningone , Ziam12 , CptPriceMI6 , Ahur , Anciendraak , EliZacharias , raymondo63 , Meyo , RedneckCasanova , Shion , Gruemble , Damon4 , KAIZIEL , roughneck4321 , jburley903 , Diehard , Crypto7 , WardPrime , Dechion , bobtheterror , firesealtest , Krulac , TehShortbusTest , hurtyBIG , ewtori , DunnaStunna , Agent Maryland , bbonniol , theranger7 , lVladdog , Obvious , Rattrap , wunder , Drunkjedi , Ayumi , StillbornTitan , Digsgambit , Apatz , beast666 , Retinetis , CactuarsGoRun , Kiptonic , Luuot , PropheC , Bl33db4me666 , =Lagger= , Vlad , tookieroberts , Eranthius , Kevin , watts77 , Faugh_a_Ballagh , Takish Bridges , Daedallejend , Diffuse , Suds , Zer0Dark30 , Whiteboy , Thorold35 , KillThemAll6313 , NorthernDrifter , airgear997 , Stormsblade , Richard , timbort , mrt8062 , OscarMeyer , jonm312 , Syze00 , Squall , John Delonge , Borgscout , Vivyana , Sizzum , SonOfDilbert , PiMichel , Phopant , Sen , Shaw389 , jodygdog , GsusMcNutty , Woodchipper , guilty_swordz , Gryff1n , lydia91 , danbar , mrichey3 , Dann , freedom_14 , MagenShae , WrongExperiment , Faster54321 , Meliemcquade , dj shawn , FriskyJawa , MyLuCkYSKiLlZz , Farkup , Incredible31 , MuddyRaccoon , DeadMannWalking , Vishnej , ColdKilla80 , Tom , iMan203 , Cyborg75 , Doc Holliday , L3thalGho5t , Carter , Dexter , joeygoats , Poopship_Destroyer , Shoronk , Ninja , rickblake37 , lukie116 , gunslingersilver , Arieus , jesterofmetal , Gneisler , OverWatch , Rodzilla , annen10 , ThePewPewLayzr , fitzwoodle , HeplMeh , Baconalia , acamac , TidesRollin , pupi123456789 , KuraiAly19 , Mattrik , _Milla_ , Bobbaluba , yurisan , Antigone , zeddzik , Fancy , Valraven , War_God , OG MrClean 4L , Jack Daniels , Bert007 , Beastxz , NathanXplosion , Marinelaqs , lightseid , Cheezus , jeepercripes , Angel , cursivearmy , ShadowGamer101st , Crazyabe , Depletion , Besker , WAKA , smokingdutch , xaftrshock , L3GIT WAR GAM3R , Duckmire , Rugerdie , Belieth , Edget , SteelSniper1 , Yaa Yaa , Gromick , Tigger2017 , Takeover , Wdragon17 , Chumley , SHADY ICE 46 , PavelFilonenko , November109 , Nick , Kraetorian , Localgod54 , Breech , carreast , Aurum , STR8TFLEXN , xluto , CC Wax , NoScope , timjbirke , Ripley , Bowgetta , SaiRoland , Zephyr041 , gml1211 , Neechee , Snake2284 , Turb , Ace43vr , Trunk , Loxtoc , Energyzer , rottenglory , Nemo187 , Rott , DannyRollz , bigjosh2881 , doroboda , junitho92 , Brennender , Seanpai , Takaro , TraderNick , Gruzzbolt , Jonas , Peyton , Bahumbug2u2 , Niqii , Psychonaut , Malwart , TrollinStones , lego1042 , Chris G , T179 , thelistener272 , LittleBridge , lordawesome7 , Vampy1001 , Bisra , xjuliuscaesar , ErickNava , TJPowers10 , Hanz_Von_Umpsy , Daegor , neowolfe , TineSionnach , s1mcdaredevil , JackONhs , Cowboy_Killer_463 , Shadow , Tallion_Warrior , Tkat5200 , Green_V1per , CanadianPride , Jet L33 , Wolfgang Andedare , Steevenn , Recon$ilenceR , Wilfred , Mikey81687 , Paula_George , Cake , Theteria , BaronVonRuppert , McCosh , Pyronus , BRUH Panda , darewi , DogMonster , Tankerotomy , starscream193 , Deadeye2033 , Netphlux , wired4gaming , SZXT77 , fear6733 , JohnnyRico117 , merkdog , Brody , Possum_marksman , TheSaltyMahwah , Tankerwww , TehShortbusTest2 , TehShortbusTest3 , TehShortbusTest4 , TehShortbusTest55 , morzain , Edward , Kisui , TaintedOne , Tombstone Jack , Wellthatsnotgood , Larrs , pinkysxybutt , Tehshortbustest6 , awesomenatorrad , little_MAN_1027 , CommanderBriggs , KingDrizl , LoverBoyUSA , Gypsy_Danger , JimmyBones , vbrockv , Rakken , Static-Bullet , Heaney , Kaz , Skynet McTokin , Janison Ibruin , PirateNinjaJesus , BlackAce , Madman_Williams , M16 BONG , =VX9=Koji , kaiju , jamerlol , KRYPT3CH , Smedger , Loqutiz , Elvo , GingerMANG , cat_soup , Janitor4u , Decibel , EternalLight007=VX9= , Murphball69 , Jeigh07 , Tacticalbang , GeauxTigers , Hampz , dreadwolf , LizardKing , Saberscope , Lord_Cyprio , CpToast , RedBeard , Anowrath , Silent_Scope_Boss , Blank , CarterM3 , Skullviking , Greennonic , Xicotl , Djthunder=VX9= , eY3lEs5 , EasyGaming , Xxcus32xX , Grande Anomalie , psychoanaconda , DMHemmi1 , TucciMayne , Zukster , VF33 , Psychomamma , Rommel , Umadchallenger , Killerpopcorn , BrodoSwaggins , AuburnGuru , covajo9 , magikfingers , TimtheBigDaddy , Nikkosk1 , Linky , Owen , Robert "Sloth" Maag , JuanCena , Souksouls , Uncle Dan , 2009mustanggtcs , Noobinaction , aleric204 , Josappy , Nadon , vinrag , abu1121 , Saabo The Hun , Kcassion716 , BazingaThat , Xadrian_Ramos , 30_tonn_ninja , LethalPredator , Caseclosed , steelpanther48 , SGTJames84 , Fatman , Quekel , SubZeroZid , KaiserSmoke , D3feated , Raging__Sloth , unfnkymnky , thrangar , Benrix , DonavonR , Wromper , G_frizzle17 , Gloomshroud , MadDogBlack , Ziaka , Dr__Who , Dennyy , FrekiofOdin , DKChef , Ninjuice , Secondo , kieran16 , Ximzabar , Drunk_n_Irish , BigRockKun , GGfrosty , SpencerPhoenix , sobektheman , Pebcak , Mr.Rabbit , Wraith , Cyanine , Ignarus , Ronaldo , mschrandjr , Anonn , Ramrodski , CRTaylor517 , Capt_Flibble , Destry , tango , Whisk3yDan , hmantheawsome , LedMedic343 , coolengineer , BoredHero , _Yaeger_ , hosey187 , Mivvgrowler , jb214147 , Gord , H4V0C , Th3Pr0digy , sitnspin , Wilson , Zkterror , Zal Das , lou133 , Thinner , Virus , Crimsonsleep , Galigher , Sacu , Yebbert , Selica , Chillvik , Ravaeron , Mr Potato Gun , bubbastump , macktruck6666 , headlights , sammsonite , Rockdwg , Bater , Leetsauce , LKopriv_412 , Kurbee , mpLsPhilly , NycEclipse , PromethieusX , BigDutch12 , Chewtoi , LunchFactory , Varcarian , UnknownSniperD , Egobail , xenomoobis , Matthew_DeVer , Butcherhayesie , Flapjack , Kuji , cBreezy , exot1k , Comar , Evilfoxxy , Skratche , Cruz , RWizzle , JakeBudds , Ginger Ninja , Magnys , Errikos , Matthias , HughGlass1780 , Hiroshin , S.Moses , paulyash , LockOn , Aaron , jmkrazy , Vulder , Spezerei , Ravage , Misery , xStrif3 , Grant , Meebs , WiskeyJak , Webmonkey , Barman , Zer0_Point , voodoogriff , TJ_Wylde , lugarthecougar , Zapp__Brannigan , pointdexter , TheKnottyGentalman , Monk269 , elvis , chbix , StrangerDangr , Eldril , Loaded Monkey , Tat0rt0t , INFIDEL , Eskalith , MrBluezman , Paramyth , gatorontheloose , Uzuke , onlatte , Philimon , CompeteToWin , DthJester , Krazy Ivan , WSAssasin1X , nub.helmet , KDiesel , TheRandomCarebear , b0rg123 , Flarebright , Mox , ClericSandman , Rupix , Jockox , jarrad495 , DthsAngel , Alpha_Omega , Pyrrock , Wh1rlw1nd , DnamicStyles , Etalje , HarryCrumb , SniperChuck , FX552 , Evil , Atomsk , LTkowie , zirox , SkullSmasher , Caelin , Drayus , Rottendeeds , cody_ross_ , Worsfold83 , Desnar , shimara , Samn , XrayPunk , Cao-de-guerra , Igotarock , IDiabolus13 , Merktool , Nh0xy , Zerric , Pathnic , Nvictu , Grassguy521 , Skaboda , GGRIMKRE3P3RR , EssXJay , Eustace1337 , mach10 , Co5teL , Coop SBG , Kaeth , Troy , NightmareOsiris , Lucasoar , Blueskies , Krazzi , Shawnzee , Radu4k , EpoX , Michelangelo , Gallapagosisland , xeed300 , Bernout , AstralBurn1234 , Caddyshack , Obscore , Suigener1s , Ronaldmcpwncakes , Pixelphage , Beelow , McRantin , Wolfman5ONE8 , CARWRECK , girlypants , IcyHot , Seabeezer , raziel25 , PsychoVx9 , Thelix , ADC92 , rnw32 , blackwellalan , RubberRudder , marluxia_77 , FullmetalMedic , spraynpray84 , Arkiew , relentlessviper , Schitzengigels , ZUCO , FaitheImmortal , Captain_Dilbert , Ravhir , iCrAzY75 , Sameoldg , Lufty , Caffeine , kiknazz91 , Valient520 , lostmimic , WayTooBad , B-9 , JayBee , WARth3Machin3 , Hotkarll , 7-Mary-3 , SWAMPRAT51 , Thorne , Kyoko , MooseyMooz , Steel , VAR0K , Mojo186 , SatansBurrito , Xatrez , J_McGuire , ShuShiBG , Snipart , Morgra , Sefton-NZ , Aureks , kirtharx , Raevalor , Zero_Five , Killersoldier1 , mosha123 , N2deep , R0bK1LLs , SoulDead87 , thedark1ntrud3r , moranski22 , Silent , Xultos , Killmanjarro , Painless , Jook , darrylwilcox95 , TheMondayKiller , insertfoot , xSalty1 , Tumblin , xInfectedChaos , DeweyDecimationSystem , magic , Phoenix , Zerthyr , sovelis025 , Greb , JRemington , Xenocide187 , Terephim , Kyzar , stevieshae , Bryan912 , LeSuisseQc , chicjordin , Blkout=VX9= , Cat , iamthey , LurchRTS , Gaunt27 , Psycho , Mercenary , Buchabonkers , Dwight , Karmagettie , GPOC50 , KolaRice , Bodatoda , nick1009 , aidenx2o , Konfliction , Mercyful , RainbowDash379 , EL_Remo , Buckeye , TheGenata , Lalaina , chiXu , Droc , GR1FFIN , Willie , 2spd , Jesse , Nolairsell , GhoSTHunT3R , kaanu , irish_lotus , pro-teck , BaronVonFett , Sandman6987 , Lord_Vanquish , Propagansus , Steady_Shot , TobyLerone , Thanxs , SouZey , ZarX , xFlameKnightx , jadefoxx84 , Jamey.Tubbs , Dizman7 , Cleaner711 , burpsnart74 , Slystylz , K.O. , pinkbutler44 , damon1245 , battlenoob99 , bdave , jaketakescake , CommanderX007 , NiX , GenX000 , Marley , aaronpurvis , Eckomob , vipersnake57 , The_Chee42 , TinyMarine , CritFail1 , Drachonium810 , Dav , Tretri , Archangel051 , FreshKiller23 , GreyShade42 , War , McCrocker , Nepoleon , HundoHelix , RossaLuna , Kylar , Skrem , Skarr , Mykial13 , tobiasblack07 , Darbo1212 , Pafire , audirizki , AgonyRose , D4RK-_- , ShuDawg , SpeedyCarmona , GreenZombieX , pwyll , Colvern , SubOhms , Otrovakruf , Freakshow , Snowy , ChristoUS82 , Dragenus , XBombtek , Unclepappy , max8126 , SPCWiggins , Helmut , RoeCeiphus , thaylis , Taxcut , TheBeastUnleashed , Macki , enlyghten , Floross , seabees24 , Gunbunny , Lownly , Karmacowboy , Tanngy , Sp00nWithMe , buckeyeranger , scrwloose , Jaidis , ZERO , thegroinshot , Zealot_26 , Cody , Kingmoses , Naga_PT , Donkey69 , lionhartsteel , @bysse , mjmdiver , Dinksta , Harry359 , Thumper_E23 , Senji , Dragoon_Force1 , lancerous92 , Caotyk , HBCHawk , Hirtel , Hauptmann_Kaiser , Bjorntaler , Yiggy , Tck , Thumper23546 , Flash , Kahmu84 , AfLoganStan , Shane , ArmyAl , Zi2609 , Weekly , Killswitch , Akado , hotdogman527 , Thrombar , pornstar , G.Falcon , ke5wtj , CanasGreay , Sanid , ap0996 , Gatorade , Polybeast , xMADDMANNx , KB_UKBULLDOG , Enigster , IronGhostFighter , AntiHero007 , Weloq , nonova70 , Zurick , mjvphd , HickGameing , Raegx , Visualss , Starscrye , Cieljek , Sam , Gooding , TacoCream , 50cow , tuminen , Phobos , Kapill89 , AkaiMyers , soar , CoknLok , Kaeracin , ayeesjay , KirbyTony , AEK_Nerd , V1P3R617 , Lethal dose , Hamster , Jrfreshx , aemant , regnerate83 , Ritchyrektem , Collinxbc , King_Cooper , Krioni , Denbolv , WhiskeyAlpha7 , Zimmy75 , CanadianKid98 , Anubis , beast , Sarkon , james6970 , IKECVBG , MrRed , cchap , L3gionnaire , JimC_ , AUFICER , Tython , osiris , Hobo_GT , angelofdeath_92 , Pes_45 , Wulf24 , Cophenhagen , Perceus1697 , jreasondunn , XTS-KingBeef , keithstone32 , OmegaWolfPrincessLilly , Searsd , DMZkiller , Wiruke , charlie , Pro_Newbi3 , Arnwulf , Wolfhound73 , Sigismund , Telecastermds , BroJSimpson , ButteredToastTV , ruth1ess , Dad , Squidage , DVMARK_GFyourself , Cricket Soldier , BilbeiGh , sjj1982 , Ronin_504 , NofxShun , AFOAeroX , Zarnicolas , xDarkAngeloidx , Bumpthis , Michael , Sir-Dome , Hail_Odin<369 , Airegin , Kylepower5489 , Saint , Granit , Beergut583 , Klownpsycho42 , Korgoth , Blackhammer , Herbert , Disavo , Odin All-Father , roxi0n , Grimreaper_323 , HandyHank , .SpydeR , markfobia , twofkbrotal , Ischemia , Anonymoose_0 , The Forgotten , TheLancerMancer , Spirit , Jimmy , Nomos , hscott , Zerbbz , DirtyDankster , Tdp12 , GN-X , tripwolkje , L3tum , WusteHase , YoGriz , Antykain , Cursingwolf , D-Ler , Cowboysfan4life , Azafreak , Azz Kicker , Blunts , Walrus , PWNINLIKEABOSS , Quad Fortunis , LedLine , Heavypred325 , Nightsaw9 , Fizzletop , COLT , Rayturd , JudeSaint , Rampage32 , Kumaa , abelzw , ezwiggy23 , haloxdragoon , Shancey , Xzmple , nhatle , ShaftToucher , Jestah , ojify , andreus618 , Qybixxx , K1ngP1n , Murlokk , Cloth-King , Yelafath , PensivePanda20 , Wuss , JiveTurkey , WeterWater , Giacomo2114 , Villistrato , Projekt325 , BattleBeaver , ItsDoctorJ , Killswitch115 , Shefalump , Vol , cosm0 , Lohkey , blinKX10 , Hurley , TheBrave , SPecOpsLlama88 , RedBull_21 , Noah , Jackylandhyde , Bush_Wookie25 , DetectveFaun , Vicious Katana , Starboy , d0gz1lla , Darkstar1984 , H3RO , THxJellyMan , Joe_Dumb , dying2soon , BigEasySteve , Raen_Elvarasi , GhostRcn , Wild_Bill_Peacock , oLIQUIDSMOKEo , Unlucky Star , RoyalRage , Sirk190 , iENvY , WalmartSecurity , Franch , LilikiJones , ItzADeadShot , KnightmareMoon , iTzHoff , Franklin330 , RogueShadow , Travo9652 , Brody19 , prozach , DarkFireWolfe57 , OTAKUandPROUD , Rikan , Kebi , Caldorn , Rhax , Rythcan , HeavyTemplar , 2Step , Mayhem1 , LazyBuddha , Teknoxyn , AncientOne , Shacklackey , Ratt35 , kwakutl , permanentnoob , kingfisher42 , Blaque_Majick , ShooterAK , Blighty , ShadowForest , Ownmeister , Pocketdoorrollr , BondyC13 , Aarmina , 21pokemon12 , fury58_1 , Dodexous , acedaddy1979 , Meg , JustConover , NonDignumTempus , ironCladGhoul , Punkin2015 , TheGreyHornet , Mysterious Powers , Konigiya , Valin63 , callmeGee , noname118 , KODSlayer , Carninath , shiesty , ddogftw , Potato_Nose , Zhoul , zinga85_warrior , Den0 , Webneko , HolyDevil , SPQA_Legion , SoftInsanity , Negklar , Rac1813 , D_Jackson531 , Rhuagh , Kbinaei , Mandriod , EricTheGreat14 , THB_TX , _Taylor , Kalevel , ImpaxtSplatter , tiggerib , PheeniXRisin , Madzill , blackburn1979 , Kestanen , Slumandcoke , Jumbo Preacher , FrostStormwind , Rumple , BTDT , aznwithbeard , smk500 , BoboTeBaggins , KisukeNephilim , Saint9 , Torment , BigDaddyD , Hermoor , 1stmasterdragonqueen , Spartuz , HeroOfStalingrad , Minxx , Belgianfry , ToRN , SPLAT , Red , madpriest , Ekiller , Wackoman6789 , Richard Cranium , bullitz4brkfst , halolord1023 , Xoohu , Gridlock14 , Papa-Shrek , Rhino , Dom , PapaLazers , xXImmortusXx , GGIZ , Death88Stroke , AaronT , TylxM , Locksly , CrimsonTint , SatansAce , L0neRider , FarSight , BTCAL , Captain_RedNeckBeard , Clutch , Meeks , TheWookieWay , CaptnBellamy , SzpakTX , sitootis , DrJoker141 , I_Didnt_Stutter , B1RTHDAY , caboose2802 , WildGinger85 , Pfrizzle , NickBk1 , Mjank , Grizzly Bear , Unsacred40 , Phantom Rogue , Chloluv2107 , Bonkedy , RockyBalbroa , duo555 , Snarl235 , HellsFire1924 , Tomcatgunner , LargeVegtable , Antihero , chnchapters , Mayonaka , Lindsbeard , Anarchy , Thaden , WarDaddy , MeddoGoldenhart , Slob , SengueDreams , Snippy , ARN3wman , Sono34 , Super , ilikepops , Impish , seahunter , Ter , Gamerbeau , Deliberant , haxo , Weird_Beard , CFO , Ranger , joMMo3 , Action7447 , Volperr , Rope , Rayvne , Cerimos , OnyxEagle , Mr.DKmax , JBizzo , Divorious , Kupatruupa , Learnedhand , Dio , Grimripper32 , Forbidden , SkullCracker , headachypit , thmadtinker , ReximusPrime , Mr. Ruf , DBHellmith , Ohmtaku , Kami_Baka , SifFumetsu , DeathTec , PuffingClouds93 , Postal Psychosis , Squirrellyeagle , DTRevenged , ShotgundZombie , Marsendji , Ralph , THE DUDE , Maple , badman475475 , Niley_ , Whip , Spaaaazzzz , Aehol , Bailey_Shooter , Billy_Sunday_ , Jestertx , kazyclay , Casper , Static , ScaryT , Prose_Hack , Blosh_It_Up_ , Blasterhawke , Perogy7 , Phil1976 , Steel_Rhino , johnnunn97 , Runesbane , AblativeNate , AnchorSnake , NexusExus , Pillbox13 , Enderdrp , MusiTheProtogen , Commander_Blitzleader24 , BabyDuckie92 , lUCKYSTRYKE , MonkeyS , Catwrestler , Pixi , UristMcJungler , Momo , Tokocharger , Hangry_Hippo , a_bard , Tink , JesterGR , SilentStrykr , GPatton1 , IronJay , TheimpalerXx , Sypha , humboldtNation , EmpBobo , demondragon , xxSgtYorkxx , vbloodwaith , SHANTYMAN99 , chrisbug2394 , Tankalin , malivion , edrock , LetsGetItCrackn , KazutoSAO47 , Kendendobko220 , trizvi96 , tiggs314 , NaughtyDevil6969 , MacTatoes , chainfire , SldgeHammr , UnslaadKendov , harleiquill , CensoredMode , Eddy , Truewierdo , iReckless__ , MrValhalla , SirThisIsAWendys , The_Shenanigator

Division Medals
Ribbon Medal Name / Description
Legion Of Merit Legion Of Merit Legion Of Merit
Awarded to all members for exceptional and meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services and achievements as a team captain.

Members who received this award: 11
Kindbud , Domn8r , R3ruN , Sm0k3d_2 , Bravetoaster , darkmatter , dancingbulldawg , NatGarro , CounterAttack22 , Dano , Ratt35

Recommend Award
Army Commendation Medal Army Commendation Medal Army Commendation Medal
Awarded for MVP achievement in a match or a week of Operations. This ribbon is awarded at the discretion of Team Captains or =VX9= Officers.

No member has this award

Recommend Award
Silver Star Silver Star Silver Star
Awarded to the highest scorer in a match or Operation, only awarded in winning match or Operation.

Members who received this award: 1

Recommend Award
Bronze Star Bronze Star Bronze Star
Awarded to the second highest scorer in a match or Operation, only awarded in winning match or Operation.

Members who received this award: 1

Recommend Award

Unused Medals
Ribbon Medal Name / Description

Yet Another Awards System v4.0.8