
  • =VX9= News

    by Published on 07-23-2020 08:50 PM

    Start Time: 8 or 9 PM EST

    Good afternoon all! I know, I know.....I forgot last week. That was totally on me. Last week was kinda nuts, but we're still here!

    This week, we're carrying on as usual. This week, Alpha Company is continuing the Battlefield tradition and going to work in our servers and beyond. Unless I hear otherwise, that's what you've got. Not sure what Omega Company is up to this week. They've been a bit quiet. This week, India Company is the one doing 7 Days to Die, and they're hosting a battle royale this week! Finally, Zulu Company is letting the people decide what's going on, so be sure to join them if you want to try something silly this week!

    DBF is all about relaxation, so if you have a shoutout or something you would like to add for next week's DBF post, let us know through a PM or through Discord and we'll feature it in the Shoutout Corner at the end of each of our weekly posts! Just remember - keep it relatively tame. I don't wanna regret putting it up.

    Oh. Almost forgot. This week let's raffle off some OTC. Pick a number between 1-50 and I'll announce winners next week!

    Hope to see everyone there! Bring the drinks, and let's forget about the world for an evening!!!!

    Shoutout Corner

    This week's shoutout corner is empty, actually. Sad Cricket Noises

    Also, we have our winner from last post's raffle: @xBEERx

    Remember, if you have a shoutout, send me a message or get in touch with me, and I'll include it in next week's post!
    by Published on 07-17-2020 04:19 PM

    Start Time: 8 or 9 PM EST

    I know, I know....I forgot.

    Good afternoon all! I know, I know.....I forgot last week. That was totally on me. Last week was kinda nuts, but we're still here!

    This week, we're carrying on as usual. This week, Alpha Company is continuing the Battlefield tradition and going to work in our servers and beyond Or at least I presume so. Haven't heard anything saying they're not running C4 jeeps into things. This week Omega Company looks like they're doing something a bit different. This week, they are playing 7 Days to Die! I, uh....know nothing about that. You'll have to ask one of them for more info. I'm presuming that India Company is spending even more time in Elite Dangerous. I could be wrong, but India loves some spess, so I would presume so. Finally, Zulu Company is going to be trying Demolition Derby again this weekend! That's what we've got for this weekend so far! Other companies may be running events, so be sure to keep your ear to the ground for whatever they've got!

    DBF is all about relaxation, so if you have a shoutout or something you would like to add for next week's DBF post, let us know through a PM or through Discord and we'll feature it in the Shoutout Corner at the end of each of our weekly posts! Just remember - keep it relatively tame. I don't wanna regret putting it up.

    Oh. Almost forgot. This week let's raffle off some OTC. Pick a number between 1-50 and I'll announce winners next week!

    Hope to see everyone there! Bring the drinks, and let's forget about the world for an evening!!!!

    Shoutout Corner

    This week's shoutout corner is empty, actually. Nothing new to see here, folks....

    Also, we have our winner from last post's raffle: @Destry

    Remember, if you have a shoutout, send me a message or get in touch with me, and I'll include it in next week's post!

    1 Comment
    by Published on 07-08-2020 08:43 AM

    As we continue our journey together as a community. It is always great to see the continued dedication and loyalty from our members. Thank you for all you do.

    Alpha Company

    No Promotions in Alpha Company this month.

    India Company
    Member of the Month: kazyclay

    Staff Sergeant:
    Private First Class:

    Nova Company

    No Promotions in Nova Company this month.

    Omega Company

    No Promotions in Omega Company this month.

    Shadow Company

    No Promotions in Shadow Company this month.

    Vanguard Company
    Member of the Month: ClericSandman

    No Promotions in Vanguard Company this month.

    Whiskey Company

    No Promotions in Whiskey Company this month.

    Zulu Company
    Member of the Month: ScaryT


    =VX9= Salute!
    Commanding Officer of =VX9=
    by Published on 07-03-2020 06:13 AM

    Start Time: 8 or 9 PM EST

    [Insert Clever Meme Here]

    Good afternoon all! I know it's a little on the late side, but alas, I am on-call, so time is a resource I'm in short supply of this week.

    This week, we're back to our routine. This week, Alpha Company is continuing the Battlefield tradition and going to work in our servers and beyond. I haven't heard anything to the contrary, so let's presume Omega Company is still rolling with more Deadside gameplay - after all, the patch is only a week old.India Company is, once again, playing Elite Dangerous. It's almost like you guys are addicted to that game or something.... Ahem....anyways, go check it out if you want to scream into the empty void of space. Or scream at Sub. Whatever floats Eh. Doesn't quite work here. Finally, Zulu Company is hosting a dual DBF. This week, WoT is dusting off even more of our old games, with a good old-fashioned demolition derby. WoWS is...well, doing things. It's still a wild west when it comes to figuring out battlebotes, but we'll have something for you. That's what we've got for this weekend so far! Other companies may be running events, so be sure to keep your ear to the ground for whatever they've got!

    DBF is all about relaxation, so if you have a shoutout or something you would like to add for next week's DBF post, let us know through a PM or through Discord and we'll feature it in the Shoutout Corner at the end of each of our weekly posts! Just remember - keep it relatively tame. I don't wanna regret putting it up.. We have another shoutout this week, and as far as I know, our 4th of July Raffle is still ongoing, so check out details below!

    Oh. Almost forgot. This week let's raffle off some OTC. Pick a number between 1-50 and I'll announce winners next week!

    Hope to see everyone there! Bring the drinks, and let's forget about the world for an evening!!!!

    Shoutout Corner

    This week's shoutout corner is empty, actually. Nothing new to see here, folks....

    Also, we have our winner from last week's raffle:


    Remember, if you have a shoutout, send me a message or get in touch with me, and I'll include it in next week's post!
    Don't forget, =VX9= is raffling off a 1080 TI graphics card for the 4th of July celebration this year. I think it's still going on through tomorrow, but I lack the ability to check that right now, so.... Go check out the details on our official Twitter page!!!
    by Published on 06-28-2020 03:49 AM

    My =VX9= Family. I wanted to open this address with reminding you how important you are to our community. You all are the life blood that flows through the veins of what gives this home, life.

    We as a community through the years, 20 to be exact this October. have gone through our roller coaster ride of ups and downs. We have survived the test of time. and endured all hardships and challenges thrown at us. This all has been made possible by the great members we call family. We as a family have remained loyal and dedicated to our core values. This is what has made us a great community for 20 Years. These are the same reasons we will be here for another 20.

    I have had the honor and pleasure of being Commanding officer of this community for 18 years . I Can honestly say it feels like it has gone by very quickly. Ive witnessed the Upswing and the down swings. I have seen members stay and members go. I have witnessed and taken part in what a bunch of internet pals can do when tasked to help another . I have been here for the loss of friends way to early in life. We have had friends go slowly to the end but chose to spend some of their last days on earth with us as a family. This community has become such an everyday part of my life over the last 20 years that their isn't a moment this community isn't on my mind. . As CO I have seen this community grow from its infancy to where it is now. I have stood proud of the accomplishments that as a community and individuals we have accomplished. Not just for our community but in our personal lives. We have seen brothers and sisters go from Single to Married. From no kids to 3 kids. We have been here for each other through the good and the bad. And will continue to be here to share , love and support.

    Family to me means to love one another beyond our faults and mishaps. To find the good in each other and walk each other through the bad. Through my years I have had the opportunity to help people in our community Wether it be emotionally or Financially. Together with our members we have done great things. I also have been the recipient of The same generosity and goodwill that we preach here. A few years back I found myself in deaths bed. I was 30 min away from saying good bye to this great earth had my wife not been so persistent to go to the ER. ( Ok she kicked my ass all the way to the hospital lol) I will save you all the details but I spent a month in a hospital 6 of those days in a coma. Now being that we were put of town and no where near family. My wife was a bit by herself and with all she was dealing with it was a tough going. However our =VX9= Family once again stepped up and into gear and made sure she was taken care of . We didn't ask them too and they all know We financially didn't need them to. Yet it wasn't about that It was about family taking care of family. When I came to and was told of some of the great things my =VX9= Family had done . I wasn't surprised. I was forever Thankful but not surprised As We have been building something special here. We have for many years made this home more then just the games we play. We have been welcoming and building family for many years now and will continue to do so moving forward.

    So Back to the roller Coaster. We are currently in an upswing. Climbing the tracks going back up. The gaming environment has changes so much through the years that we have had to reinvent and adjust the way we advertise and recruit. The exciting thing about a community like this is that everyone and anyone that wants to grab a hammer and help build is welcome. We will find something for you to do. We have many needs and like any community We need you to help fulfill those needs. We have a saying in =VX9=. =VX9= is what you make of it. This hold true today. Our community is our community it belongs to all of us. We all call this place a home and like any home we all do our part to keep it flourishing and being a comfortable home for not just us but everyone that joins down the road.

    We want to do our best to get back to some of the things that made us great . I think a big part of that was some of the unique things we have in our community. Many that have been replicated by other communities. We for many years have been the standard to which other communities have compared themselves too. This in itself is a compliment . With that said we ant to get back to Our forums. I know that with the introduction of discord our forum activity came to a slow trickle. We are making efforts to change that again. We will still use discord as it is here to stay . It is how most gamers communicate in real time. However there is still something to say about a great forum and web page. People find us by our web address . The first thing they see about us is our web page. So we are currently working on revitalizing some of our Awards and acknowledgements on the forums . As well as modernizing our intro video and over all look and feel. We are in need of some of you Digital artist and Video editing genius out there. So please hit us up, We need you!

    We are also looking with in our current membership those that want to help with recruitment and publicity. These are important roles in the growth of our community. Any interest please hit me up via DM and we will do our best to get you started.
    In the coming weeks we will be posting a full description of the positions in =VX9= so that all of our members know exactly what some of these positions entail , They may peak your interest. Recently I was asked what can I do to grow in our community to get to the point to where im influencing the direction of our community then just gaming. This si what these positions are for. the more you get involved the more you do. The more you make of what you do . That is how you get to someday be an Officer in or community. Trust me when I say this we will reward effort and dedication. As that is what keep us going.

    Our community is doing great and will continue to do great. We have good people in the right places to help insure that this community will be here for 20 more years. Our Leadership is strong and will continue to lead from the front. I has been an honor to lead this community . I hope I have served you well this far. As I will continue to do so into the next 20 years. Thank you for your trust , dedication and loyalty .

    I want to close with a simple Thank you to all who have helped make this home a home. Your dedication and efforts to continue to help our community grow will never go unnoticed. Thank you for everything you do.

    =VX9= Salute!
    Commanding Officer of =VX9=
    by Published on 06-25-2020 08:56 PM

    Start Time: 8 or 9 PM EST

    New Faces, Same Places.

    Good afternoon all! I know it's a little on the late side, but a two-year-old takes up a fair bit of time. Anyways, we're gonna keep this rolling! Zulu has a bunch of new recruits, so we're giving a special shoutout to all the NewFaces out there! Welcome to your first official DBF! Take a look around, and remember: it's all about the fun.

    This week, it's a little more of the same, but a little different. This week, Alpha Company is doing even more Battlefield shenanigans, so give them a drop if you wanna get in on that. Omega Company just saw a new patch drop for Deadside, so you're welcome to go explore with them! India Company is, once again, playing Elite Dangerous. It's almost like you guys are addicted to that game or something.... Ahem....anyways, go check it out if you want to scream into the empty void of space. Who knows? Sub might come along to tow you home. (That is how it works, right Sub?). Finally, Zulu Company is hosting a dual DBF. This week, WoT is getting down with an in-game Duck Hunt, a game that I had to dust off the shelves for everyone. WoWS is...well, doing things. It's kind of a wild west when it comes to figuring out battlebotes, but we'll have something for you. That's what we've got for this weekend so far! Other companies may be running events, so be sure to keep your ear to the ground for whatever they've got!

    DBF is all about relaxation, so if you have a shoutout or something you would like to add for next week's DBF post, let us know through a PM or through Discord and we'll feature it in the Shoutout Corner at the end of each of our weekly posts! Just remember - keep it relatively tame. I don't wanna regret putting it up.. We have another shoutout this week, and as far as I know, our 4th of July Raffle is still ongoing, so check out details below!

    Oh. Almost forgot. This week let's raffle off some OTC. Pick a number between 1-50 and I'll announce winners next week!

    Hope to see everyone there! Bring the drinks, and let's forget about the world for an evening!!!!

    Shoutout Corner

    Got a new shoutout for you bunch this week. This one comes courtesy of @dancingbulldawg, who has a message for a one @ScaryT:

    Just wanted to shout out to Scary. He's been getting so many new recruits and pitching in since he got here, and I really appreciate it!

    Also, we have our winner from last week's raffle:


    Remember, if you have a shoutout, send me a message or get in touch with me, and I'll include it in next week's post!
    Don't forget, =VX9= is raffling off a 1080 TI graphics card for the 4th of July celebration this year. Go check out the details on our official Twitter page!!!

    by Published on 06-11-2020 08:19 PM

    Start Time: 8 or 9 PM EST

    Let's Just go With This.

    Good afternoon all! I'm going to run with this format for a bit, just to see how well everything works for you (un)fortunate readers. If you like this more....detailed format, please let me know. If not, well, still let me know. I need feedback to know how things are going to work. Also, working on some more DBF graphics, so stay tuned for some updates in the next few weeks!

    This week, we've got a handful of events going on, just like before Alpha Company is continuing their curbstomp parties in BF3, both on and off our servers. While India.....not gonna lie, I honestly had to look up what India Company was doing this weekend. This week they are getting involved with Jackbox Party, so it sounds like there's quite a bit of fun to be had if you're wanting....well, a party. Omega Company is diving back into more open-world shenanigans in Deadside, so go check that out if that's your thing. . Zulu Company is doing the same dual DBF as we did last week due to everyone and their cat partying with the India crowd. We're going to be diving into subs for WoWS and Hardcore Hide and Seek for WoT. Each forum has a respective post up, so go and check them out!

    DBF is all about relaxation, so if you have a shoutout or something you would like to add for next week's DBF post, let us know through a PM or through Discord and we'll feature it in the Shoutout Corner at the end of each of our weekly posts! Just remember - don't make it something I'll regret posting. We have our first shoutout, along with our ongoing raffle news down below. Also, scroll on down and see if your name was picked for the Special DBF Raffle last week! If you won, I'll be in touch shortly, so check your PMs!!

    Oh. Almost forgot. This week let's raffle off some OTC. Pick a number between 1-40
    and I'll announce winners next week!
    Hope to see everyone there! Bring the drinks, and let's forget about the world for an evening!!!!

    Shoutout Corner

    I kinda feel guilty posting this one, since it's pointed specifically at me, but I'd catch heat for not putting his thing here, so here's what Sub has to shout out this week:

    I wanna make a shoutout to CW5.LightningWaffle=VX9= for his tireless effort outside of the game in his model making. If you look, he's made many beautiful models, and is currently working on a big project for me. He's building a 1:350 scale model of the ship I served on, and is constantly providing updates for me and it's very exciting to get every message! Thank you Lightning! You're awesome!

    Also, we have our three winners from last week's raffle:


    Remember, if you have a shoutout, send me a message or get in touch with me, and I'll include it in next week's post!
    Don't forget, =VX9= is raffling off a 1080 TI graphics card for the 4th of July celebration this year. Go check out the details on our official Twitter page!!!


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