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    by Published on 04-02-2015 10:26 PM
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    As you know, we're a brother short this week; keep Ripper and his family in your thoughts and prayers! Ripper would be disappointed if we missed a DBF, however, so we need to do our part in keeping the tradition going this week.

    Alpha Company

    No intel on this weeks event for Alpha.

    India Company

    India is playing Arma 3 ...
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    by Published on 03-29-2015 05:55 PM

    Brothers and Sisters,

    Yesterday, Ripper was admitted to the hospital. A few of us have been in contact with his wife and she has asked to let all of you know the progress.

    He went into surgery last night and did very well through the procedure. He is now on the road to recovery, but it will take some time. Every update the Doctors give is better than the last, so that is always a great thing.

    Keep him, and his wife, in your thoughts and prayers, please. We will keep you updated as things progress.

    by Published on 03-26-2015 10:00 PM
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    Spring break is coming to an end for many, maybe getting started for others. Wherever you fall it's still a Friday and another opportunity to spend time with your gaming brothers and sisters. Another DBF of great activities, here is the slate for this week.

    Alpha Company

    It's a Turkey Shoot! If you aren't familiar ...
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    by Published on 03-22-2015 07:53 PM  Number of Views: 1630 

    My =VX9= Family! With the launch of our new website and all the technology behind it. It is time for us to Relaunch our social media team in a big way. We are looking for a good number of individuals to assist in these teams. Experience is a plus but we will take all levels of experience. If you want to help we will find a place for you!
    This is your chance to do more for your community. =VX9= is what you make of it!

    Social Media Team :

    YouTube/Video Team: We need 4 people to make videos for the community. These videos will be different short commercials as well as intros to other events and pod casts.

    Twitch Team: We need to fill out time slots with various Twitchers. We would like to eventually see a broad spectrum of scheduled events along with some free flow. We are looking for as many as we can get.

    Pod Cast: This team will be responsible for developing a pod cast for community. The pod cast will consist of various topics and content based on gaming and the =VX9= community. Initially a monthly podcast to start with the hope of going weekly .This will require a few people from producers to content managers to reporters as well as of course On Air talent.

    News Department: We have wanted to do a news letter in the past and cant seem to get one off the ground. If you are interested in helping with a monthly newsletter we will need:

    • Reporters

    • Editors

    • Content Managers

    • Graphic layout

    and more.

    Historical Department: This department will help in keeping historical events and records for =VX9=. They will maintain a timeline of our history past and future.

    All these teams are in revamp mode. We will meet once we have formed staff for each. This is your chance to help build the future of =VX9=. We have been here for 14 years . We are built on the hard work of many of our members. This is your chance to be a part of the new era of =VX9=. Your chance to be a part of the next 14 years!

    If you are interested in any of the above please PM me. We want to launch soon and will be meeting with above departments and teams asap. We will need Team leaders and members.


    The Push: ( A plan that will require 20+ Members to assist)

    This is a Publicity plan to get the =VX9= name out there at a much larger scale. This will require a good # of people to step up and assist. If you are interested please PM myself and shreeden. We will put you down on the list and let you know when the first meeting is for this. This will be a Big project that Will help take =VX9= into a whole other realm of community.

    =VX9= Salute
    Commanding Officer of =VX9=
    by Published on 03-21-2015 05:05 AM
    1. World of Tanks

    We will be having an in house tournament on Saturday March 21st starting at 7 pm EST.

    This will be a tier 5 tournament to ensure everyone can participate if they want.

    (Please note, you must have signed up to participate as I will need to be able to set the tournament up. )

    Sign Up is now closed! Anyone that didnt sign up is of course welcome to ...
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    by Published on 03-19-2015 11:16 PM
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    Another week come and gone. The grind is over for most of us and now it's time to get a little rowdy. Family, games, booze...there isn't much more one can ask for. Here are the many ways you can enjoy this Friday evening with =VX9=!

    Alpha Company

    Always a favorite, Alpha is playing "Hitman" this week to kick off the release of Battlefield Hardline. ...
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    by Published on 03-16-2015 09:29 PM
    1. Battlefield Series
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    Battlefield Hardline Release Party - 8pm to midnight EST on March 17th

    Tonight @ 3am EST (unless you are using a VPN) kicks off the newest edition to the Battlefield franchise. In celebration of this event we are giving away some =VX9= decals! We have a number of contests. Some will be specific to the release party ...
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