
  • =VX9= News

    by Published on 04-08-2016 12:10 PM

    So As you know we have been working on some new Swag. Today we finalized art and order of the first of 3 Items.

    Our new Koozies will be here soon . So get ready to get your swag on.

    We are also working on Die Cut Decals and a new Tshirt run..

    B ig Shout out to @Commy for the design.

    Koozie and colors. Colors are limited .

    by Published on 04-07-2016 08:19 PM

    Friday is here, join =VX9= this week and get rowdy!

    RAFFLES AND SCREEN SHOTS - Post up your funny screen shots. Limit 2 per member. Raffle as well.

    TBD - Keep an eye on the India forums for more details.

    TIRE TOSS @ 9:00PM EST - Meet at the Pusta at 9:00pm EST, the party will move to the destination from there. A target will be set up and members will take turns throwing tires at it. Bring a ruined tire if you can but they'll take any tires and add a fine petina to them. 1st and 2nd place win a game code and decal, there is a raffle at the link below as well.

    YE OLDE PISTOL FIGHT @ 10:00PM EST - In proper duel fashion, two TDs will start back to back and drive away from each other. The coordinator will then tell them to turn around and fire. The survivor is the winner, of course.

    MISSION RUSH - Players will be assigned a group. Team to complete their mission set in the fastest time gets a member of the team selected for a prize

    TBD - Keep an eye on the India forums for more details.


    Raffle - pick a number between 1-50, closest three numbers wins a game code with tie breaker goes to the lowest number

    We have 2 game codes and a decal to give away this week.

    Have suggestions or ideas for a DBF event or contest? Reach out to myself or your divisional Special Events Coordinator.

    by Published on 04-01-2016 09:57 AM

    Another weekend has arrived, stock up on the drinks and be ready to unwind with some DBF!

    TBD - Keep an eye on the India forums for more details.

    Flight of the Fools @ 11:00pm EST - We're going to all get into a match together and have some fun.

    CAPTURE THE FLAG @ 9:00PM EST - Meet at the Tolpolka Dam at 9:00pm E.S.T and we will move to the event location from there. We are going to play capture the flag, we will discuss the rules and go over other details on Friday. Prizes to be given out and a raffle at the link below.

    TIGER HUNT / PUB STOMP DROP INS @ 10:00PM EST - This week's Drunken Battle Friday will consist of a Tiger Hunt followed by Pub-Stomp-drop-ins.

    ZOOLANDER WALK OFF - Join Vanguard for general debauchery, there is much to be had. Get your best outfit together for the photo shoot. Prizes to be won in the Vanguard raffle!

    TBD - Keep an eye on the Zulu forums for more details.


    Raffle - pick a number between 1-75, closest three numbers wins a game code with tie breaker goes to the lowest number

    We have 2 game codes and a decal to give away this week.
    1st & 2nd - Game Codes
    3rd - Decal

    Have suggestions or ideas for a DBF event or contest? Reach out to myself or your divisional Special Events Coordinator.


    by Published on 03-25-2016 08:19 AM

    Our community is one that has been here for 15 years. It has lasted the test of time , drama and many obstacles. We have had ups, downs , Loses and gains. We have endured through changes every year. I can go on and on about what we have had to face and the things that tested us as a community from Year 1 . Instead I Choose to talk about why We are still here after 15 years.

    Recently We added Vanguard Company for Tom Clancy the Division. Which brought in an upswing of recruits. A rush that we haven't seen since the Bf days. Most other communities would fold under the amount of work it takes to process recruitment aps as well as to be able to evaluate and screen recruits. However in true =VX9= Fashion We came together as a community. We had Members from every division Step up and Help V Co. out with their launch . They are still helping to this day. From recruitment to hanging out in the lobby and helping the new guys become acclimated within our community.

    I have been here a Long time . I have sen some very great things happen in our community. And the one thing that continues to be a common factor and one of the main reasons we are still here for 15 years. Is that our members have always shown a great amount of Community pride. They believe in what we have , They believe in what we do. Our members are what makes =VX9= such a great place. When there is a need our members have always stepped up to the ready.

    We have had many who come and go, Some that say Ah that =VX9= Wont be there in a year, Or its dying , or Cant last. Some even go out and create their own community . Some because they want to be the man in charge, Some because they think their way is better and some just because they think its easy. In the end their misconception of what we are is why we are still here and they are not!

    The one thing all these other "clans" forget is that it isnt about being in charge or having your way. It isnt about saying I this or I that. It isnt about any one person. It is and always will be about the people in your community. Its about WE and Doing stuff together. Its about achieving more as a community because we did it as a community.

    I have been here longer then anyone else. As the Commanding Officer of =VX9= . What makes me happy is the true essence of what makes =VX9= . Its members. It makes me proud to say I am a member of =VX9= a community that has been around for 15 Years and still going strong. A community that has the greatest members in gaming. A community I call home and everyday we get to welcome in new brothers and sisters. Who will continue to keep the =VX9= spirit alive for another 15 years.

    Welcome to all our new brothers and sisters. We hope you enjoy the ride. Hang on because its a long one!

    Commanding Officer of the =VX9= Army!

    This was also in our newsletter, I posted here for those that may have not read the newsletter . Keep an eye out for the =VX9= News Letter every month!
    by Published on 03-24-2016 11:54 PM

    Good Friday this week but all of us can't be good now, can we? Join your gaming Brothers and Sisters in the events this week!

    LEAGUE OF LEGENDS @ 9:00pm EST- This is an in-house tournament for India this week, winning team will receive an in-game prize. Format will be 3v3 or 5v5 depending on numbers.

    BAMBI ROUND UP @ 9:30PM EST - Meet in Elektro and move out to round up as many bambi and under geared players as possible. Those that get out of line might need to be put down. Prizes to be given out and a raffle at the link below.

    SIM AND REALISTIC SQUAD PLAY @ 10:00PM EST - Several different squad play scrimmages will take place across different battle ratings with prizes handed out based on performance.

    NO ANNOUNCEMENT YET - Show up, grab some beverages and enjoy a night in The City. Keep an eye on the Vanguard subforum for any update on DBF.

    NO ANNOUNCEMENT YET - SAt the bare minimum it will be tanking and booze. Zulu subforum will have latest info:


    Raffle - pick a number between 1-50, closest number wins with tie breaker goes to the lowest number.

    We have 2 game codes, a decal and to give away this week.

    Have suggestions or ideas for a DBF event or contest? Reach out to myself or your divisional Special Events Coordinator.

    by Published on 03-24-2016 08:26 PM

    These two promotions are very well deserved. They have both gone above and beyond the call of duty. They have done their part in making history for our community. Dancing as the first ever CO of a division in =VX9= and Bus Changing the backbone of our Infrastructure . Taking our technology to a whole other level.

    Brigadier General:

    Lieutenant Colonel:

    =VX9= Salute!
    Commanding Officer of =VX9=
    by Published on 03-17-2016 09:27 PM

    Another weekend has arrived, stock up on the drinks and be ready to unwind with some DBF! We have received a generous donation from Butcherhayesie, a Division code that we will be giving away in the raffle this week!

    LEFT 4 DEAD 2 @ 10:00pm EST- This week India will be playing Left 4 Dead 2. The MVP of the match will be win a game code. Raffle in attached link below.

    DRUNKEN MM FRIDAY @ 11:00pm EST - With a new patch, Nova is going to see just how stable the party system is. Ultimate goal is to take over Crusader! Raffle in the link below.

    DRUNKEN BATTLE FRIDAY @ 9:00PM EST - Meet in Elektro, from there it will be a roam. Arresting and getting the captives back to the police station is the objective. A decal will he handed out during the event and there is a raffle to win a game code as well.

    SIM AND REALISTIC SCRIMS @ 10:00PM EST - Several different scrimmages with a variety of settings will make up this weeks event for Thunder. Balance and game variants decided by attendees.

    LUCK OF THE IRISH - Join Vanguard for general debauchery, there is much to be had. If that's not your cup of tea, level and loot up with a squad. Prizes to be won in the Vanguard raffle, including a Season pass!

    DROP IN NIGHT @ 7:30PM EST - Same rules as usual, slightly earlier time this week only. Be ready for some DBF fun in tanks! Head to the link below to enter the Zulu raffle.


    Raffle - pick a number between 1-50, closest number wins with tie breaker goes to the lowest number.

    We have 2 game codes, a decal and 1x The Division game code courtesy of Butcherhayesie to give away this week. Thanks for the donation!

    Have suggestions or ideas for a DBF event or contest? Reach out to myself or your divisional Special Events Coordinator.


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