
  • DBF scheduled for 8-28-2015 at 9PM eastern time

    Title: Trifecta Corporation OP
    Date/Time: 8/28/2015 9PM eastern
    FC: N/a

    Description: This is a combination of 3 things ice mining, ore mining, and ratting. The mining will be in [REDACTED] and the ratting can be there or in systems around there. This is mainly to gather ice and ore for the corporation but it also allows members who can't mine an opportunity to partake in DBF this week. The op will start at 9PM eastern and will last about an hour or so depending on turn out and peoples willingness to keep up the work. Ships are anything you can mine in and anything that can run sites and live.

    hope to seem you in the fleet
    Pete Kring

    Pick a number between 1-50 for this weeks raffle prizes

    1st- Game Code
    2nd- Game Code
    3rd- =VX9= Decal
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