
  • Welcome

    Welcome to our new home! To get started, please follow the instructions below:

    1. Reset your password, do this by trying to log in, and selecting forgot password. This will email you the instructions on resetting it. If you have forgotten the email you used to register or no longer have access to it, please contact an officer.

    2. Verify you signature. Most sigs should be OK but a few may need to be modified. If yours is not working and you have something like this:
    [img height=xxx width=yyy]URL[/img]
    please remove the height and width parts and the image will then show up.

    3. Set your division: Once logged in, click my profile at the top right, then click about me in the middle, now set your division.

    4. You may now tag members in posts by placing an @ in front of their name, for example: @fireseal

    5. Please contact your OIC or CO/XO if you no longer have access to areas that you should have access to.

    Comments 1 Comment
    1. CharlieTriGuy's Avatar
      CharlieTriGuy -
      2. Verify you signature. Most sigs should be OK but a few may need to be modified.
      Who do we need to notify if our sig isn't working?
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    May's Donations


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  • Screenshots

    track2 by MagenShae
  • =VX9= Teamspeak 3