
  • =VX9= Drunken Battle Friday - 9.18.20

    Start Time: 8 or 9 PM EST (Varies with Company)

    Happy Friday, all!

    Good evening!

    One hurricane down, maybe more to go? Let's keep the partying going while we still can, folks! This week, Alpha Company is continuing the Battlefield tradition and going to work in our servers and beyond. Not sure what Omega Company is up to this week. They've been a bit quiet, but definitely still haunting our servers. Go ahead and swing by and see what they're up to. India Company is getting sneaky this week with Among Us, so get ready to blame everyone but the actual imposter! Finally, Zulu Company is going to be taking a break this week and pubbing together, with a new/old event coming back next week!

    DBF is all about relaxation, so if you have a shoutout or something you would like to add for next week's DBF post, let us know through a PM or through Discord and we'll feature it in the Shoutout Corner at the end of each of our weekly posts! Just remember - keep it relatively tame. I don't wanna regret putting it up.

    Let's raffle off some OTC this week! Pick a number between 1-50 and I'll announce winners during next week's post!

    Stay tuned for some potential special prizes in the following weeks! Still working on things for you!

    Hope to see everyone there! Bring the drinks, and let's forget about the world for an evening!!!!

    Shoutout Corner

    This week's shoutout corner is empty, actually. Sad Cricket Noises

    Also, we have our winner from last post's raffle: @Destry

    Remember, if you have a shoutout, send me a message or get in touch with me, and I'll include it in next week's post!
    This article was originally published in forum thread: =VX9= Drunken Battle Friday - 9.18.20 started by LightningWaffle View original post
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