
Award: Honor Guard Medal

Honor Guard Medal

Awarded to any member who has served in the military.

Members who received this award: 190
GhostCell , Hightower , Shady , Warthog , cryos , PiG , Samurai , GreenEyed , usiris , Penguin , herpesore , pieces , DiRTyTuRTLe , Bodasmoke , RobotMosh , Silentsteel101 , sibu , 9Fivebravo , Ge0kolmi0 , shadowolf , fireseal , Knoxx , Falcon , Maddogicus , slider1578 , USMCSecretSquirrel , Slayer2218 , D4em0nd , ANTI-HERO , Eifwen , RedMonster , Tawmcruize , Detonated , DirtyOxyClean , LuRcH , CharlieTriGuy , J_REB , moeron88 , SadisticGrunt , NatGarro , CounterAttack22 , CounterEv , Wesker , Arbius V'Talik , kleinekai , Imposingtoast , riggss9405 , ISpeakJive , sufak , Chief , NavyJonathan , Edison Severasse , Angry Cub , CSM1 , silenthitter , Von Reinthaler , EvvoSO , DitchRich , Ziriix , chuckluss , Dragule , XanderBawss , Azumazi , zaxpower , Guitarzan , Hobo , Beaches , Warmaniac4212 , StanEustisSmith , Wargramps , Starshine , Deathwand , lurkinwilli , wicked , mike6512 , Jimbos87 , Ziam12 , Vlad , Whiteboy , NorthernDrifter , SonOfDilbert , MagenShae , Cyborg75 , Shoronk , jesterofmetal , Mattrik , Tigger2017 , November109 , rottenglory , TineSionnach , Cowboy_Killer_463 , Recon$ilenceR , Kaz , KRYPT3CH , Blank , BrodoSwaggins , Josappy , SubZeroZid , Mr.Rabbit , Destry , Wilson , Yebbert , bubbastump , Hiroshin , Barman , Philimon , DthJester , ClericSandman , Lucasoar , Shawnzee , Bernout , Seabeezer , Morgra , Killersoldier1 , TheMondayKiller , insertfoot , sovelis025 , Radzik , Konfliction , RainbowDash379 , Willie , Steady_Shot , Jamey.Tubbs , burpsnart74 , Eckomob , TinyMarine , Archangel051 , RossaLuna , SubOhms , XBombtek , Unclepappy , enlyghten , seabees24 , Zealot_26 , Bjorntaler , Kahmu84 , ArmyAl , AntiHero007 , IKECVBG , cchap , JimC_ , Arnwulf , Wolfhound73 , Sigismund , Squidage , DVMARK_GFyourself , Cricket Soldier , .SpydeR , Zerbbz , GN-X , WusteHase , PWNINLIKEABOSS , abelzw , ItsDoctorJ , RoyalRage , Franch , KnightmareMoon , 2Step , Blighty , callmeGee , Den0 , Webneko , SPQA_Legion , THB_TX , _Taylor , Kalevel , PheeniXRisin , Kestanen , BTDT , BoboTeBaggins , HeroOfStalingrad , Clutch , B1RTHDAY , Sono34 , Divorious , Forbidden , Mr. Ruf , DeathTec , Squirrellyeagle , Ralph , THE DUDE , Casper , ScaryT , Blosh_It_Up_ , AnchorSnake , BabyDuckie92 , Catwrestler , UristMcJungler , LetsGetItCrackn , Truewierdo
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