Award: NCO Professional Development Ribbon
NCO Professional Development Ribbon
Awarded to Non-Commissioned Officers. (Sgt and above)
Members who received this award: 963
, firesealadmin
, Thorvald666
, Maniac
, Gravis
, BigDawg
, Ripper
, PapaBear
, Jamooz
, Kaburan
, Johnnybadass
, GhostCell
, Moonshine
, mower1
, MaDLiNgO
, Bi0
, CdnAirborne
, GimP
, Kindbud
, Hightower
, Ab|es
, Warpig007
, MrAnderson
, Junkhead
, Sic
, spanky
, dragbike
, Shady
, Warthog
, Flair
, CycoSomat1c
, Kyoden
, pixel
, rahzel
, andyr
, Hollowpoint
, jebbler
, GenSeneca
, [Hitokiri]
, 4sakntaln
, MesTiz0
, Napalm
, schittywok
, Cug@
, gimisom
, Domn8r
, Sinner
, dunkertim
, Tweekend
, WalPOW
, Fatalerror
, BuckMaster
, JeSter
, djdell82
, RatTerrier
, CdnWolf
, socojoe
, Beretta
, XLOG33
, youngblood
, RockstarAlchemist
, LadyD
, Randomness
, Malicite
, pluto
, linkero
, LastMan101
, Kahllan
, Carver
, Dojan
, LacrymosaJ
, FiveRings
, RipRock
, Scitek
, killer1959
, LionusRex
, BSmuv
, R.A.T.X8
, cryos
, Kin
, PiG
, JimBeam
, dethpunch
, Samurai
, iugradn2002
, Dayton
, Kohl
, Sedi
, fuzzyrye
, WarChick
, Slaughter
, Broderick
, DeV
, selimsrm
, Z^
, Vyper
, Banem
, AlphaWolf
, veail121
, Jo|{eR
, Rhaegara
, Hammy
, Stryker
, Irisheyez
, GreenEyed
, ravensshade
, TPounder
, Jettwing
, aycee
, R3ruN
, Azrael
, Conspiracy
, gunsargeramalls
, Snow Thrower
, caPWNacus
, Surge
, NightBeast
, Sm0k3d_2
, Christina
, txdude82
, Apheration
, Buzz
, ReSpawN
, Bravetoaster
, De e Ja
, P4C1F1CU5
, usiris
, Bullet
, Penguin
, xBEERx
, herpesore
, MazeX
, pieces
, Dreadnaught
, Kevincible
, .spYder.
, complex
, littlesnitch
, Sneaky6
, SnapShotone
, Bodasmoke
, J-Will
, Drudgenaut
, Fragment
, Papa Merlin
, Theshortone73
, The Jaspercat
, acidic
, RobotMosh
, Mystanious
, TempesTGLoRY
, Odyssey420
, Logan-5
, GoreGasm4
, podowns
, Damon
, Sparty
, sbdblyss
, Gr8ElevenBravo
, BombThreat
, Nilcode
, Steveo243
, Silentsteel101
, BloodyNine
, Hat
, Jrv
, silvwarrior
, Commy
, sibu
, 9Fivebravo
, ComradeSponte
, Reven91
, BooTeKhal
, TPDelta1
, kitsune VX9
, HappY
, xyrelle
, Fazed
, Ge0kolmi0
, ltlebluedragon
, ImperatorKon
, bluesnut
, Deadunicorn
, twisedlives
, Tac
, Kraze695
, Dima
, cartinfan
, Shootbacca
, Lestat616
, Ibravos
, fearthisneo
, Fallen
, MMonsoor
, pressben
, Stankyl3g
, khord
, ShrimpToast
, AlacrityFitzugh
, Kyle v0
, Bang
, gerrickax
, Ozyz
, Blode
, Azie
, jiongray
, Kissler
, kingcobra
, shadowolf
, Lt-Kernel
, BustANut
, Kento
, Truss77
, Lightning-Z
, mark577
, Shadowbane
, mcw10684
, hows
, DrKrink
, MrSnippy
, Aylesberg
, darkmatter
, Doc
, reac1337
, Operational
, Ripster
, Cleverlight
, TinyOzora
, PBR-Streetgang
, MegaDove
, Ravare
, DeadlyButters
, ShugahBear
, fireseal
, WetSand
, Big Kahuna
, thepang
, Jamuraii
, Carm
, Mordorith
, Zoitter
, ExtraSoap
, ThePh3nom
, Dessik
, Berenerd
, FoX1335
, Griffith
, Zenton8787
, Rich1963
, JDCollie
, sloidsnak5
, heartbreakridge
, dreameater
, Zinx
, ZeDIRTYRussian
, Easyyy
, manders623
, joecowdery24
, TruckerGloom
, Refugee
, F12osTii
, bullwinkle
, Andraste Enigma
, Andor
, Grathalas
, Alexicon
, xiphas
, Rux
, JollyBadger
, Th3PurpleSmurf
, therealquaid
, Duke Nukem TX
, Morimasa
, xXReiBearXx
, Mr Grim
, couch982
, Krimikpaladin
, DrewwDogg
, Norkos
, sharkskinjr
, RollOn7
, Nowitko
, graytiger
, NukingFuts99
, zilko
, dancingbulldawg
, LightningWaffle
, Clunas
, Haus
, wipper
, amouse
, Vormex
, Hugostiglitz
, Philly46
, Ron L
, Lord_Lemmiwinks
, lbpunn
, KitsuneRagnell
, ReanimeJoe
, Cirove
, bptrav
, DesertHawk
, MinusII
, Hoax8D
, Azure
, Horridgirrafe
, Subbss
, BodyCount
, Eisekopf
, syrus64209
, Fubar904
, Dimebag101proof
, Eagle_Alex_
, Animus41
, Dunkelschatten
, Falcon
, thatguy
, zee9287
, theseedfromhell
, Arretez
, Joddes
, Unphazable
, Deathdrop
, El_Mustachio
, Dan813
, Maddogicus
, Shadowmoon
, TheOutlawJosieWhales
, JonyRottn
, Knight Twisted
, slider1578
, c911darkwolf
, VinceBlack
, WidowMaker
, HawaiiJon
, Ozzymandias
, Alaan Thryner
, Roboguy224
, ninjitsu
, Axis
, BudaTheGreat
, IceMarbles
, tzmndevill
, Arsenal Gear
, Quagmire
, Gettysburg_1863
, Slayer2218
, Zip
, Ultima-Ratios
, xxxHellcatsxxx
, RobuteGuilliman
, Stew
, D4em0nd
, Terazuka
, EagerFusillade
, AntisocialAaron
, Divercity
, Oxblood
, DarkMyth
, Jevazide
, Sovereign_M
, Eifwen
, Ormadil
, RedMonster
, Tawmcruize
, muldreck
, slozon
, Santa Claus
, Detonated
, DirtyOxyClean
, J
, GeneralEDU
, LuRcH
, CharlieTriGuy
, grantavius13
, Croocker s47
, AlaskanStew
, Gerz601
, moeron88
, SadisticGrunt
, Dubandubs
, Stockwrangler
, Gimpzen
, Mike80Yota
, NatGarro
, Deusalmighty
, silentdiesel
, sadboymt
, JustMorg
, Captain_Chainsaw
, Hells_Hoon
, CounterAttack22
, Dano
, Satanic_Dude
, Sternreiter
, ForgotN
, AmandaBeloved
, Porkchopz
, Ceroon
, cake_pan
, Swiddy
, KillH4wk
, xeno360
, Dessel
, General_Hyde
, Liranator
, Sun
, Elitereaper
, Refurius
, rainz1991
, NorthGuard
, Lucky24565
, Jasko
, LegacyChaotic
, uNkMyJuNk
, ChaozVenom
, LowBridge
, authenticx
, Winston84
, Oopsidied
, Toki
, Zathee
, Destroyka
, Wesker
, DaGoldenBall
, Predimus
, Nawcor
, TehShortbus
, platinumxsniper
, Press Vest
, Bobert
, Arbius V'Talik
, tiggertazz
, Uneek
, O_Kole
, Shreducation
, 3dayzoff
, SilentDragon
, chukline
, SerSnow
, Grizzer
, Lawlikaust
, timothus
, 8Bitties
, Cjernaga
, Trigger Devotee
, firegoat
, SaintEstevan
, Badwolfs
, ComradeJohn
, Cheekaay
, DaKon
, ISpeakJive
, gnorman
, TankMenace
, sufak
, TheShadowForce
, Maddog551
, Unknown
, The Creepler
, shadowknight14
, Ghengis Manson
, Chief
, Bigbadpete54
, caveman
, AverageAaron
, BobtheBear
, wounded fawn
, keyz
, NavyJonathan
, Edison Severasse
, mdjones4
, ds_kyle
, Saleema
, ace102
, Dator
, dlamdlam3
, Angry Cub
, ashy larry
, silenthitter
, Cert
, Mac
, TurtleMan
, Von Reinthaler
, ShadyBastard
, Shreeden
, northofnowhere
, EvvoSO
, DitchRich
, Nightmare
, pontios4life
, Uncle Si
, Major Woopaz
, Ziriix
, Gamesta64
, Cptsnuggles
, Paul_On_Mars
, chuckluss
, Saintsvu
, EZKatnipz
, ginjaninja
, Reaper0217
, Malaikvavit
, Mr. Wolf
, Dragule
, Scarpia
, Broncs
, Snakeman442
, Phactory81
, XanderBawss
, Noble
, AFluffyBrick
, Tcamp14
, MajorJJ
, Savage
, Major Ecker
, bassdrumma
, thorper
, Laeviathin
, White Timberwolf
, Azumazi
, Chillerside
, Darktrooper_
, GGarcia1
, zaxpower
, Silbern
, Twin
, Rogue79
, Linville_33
, BeerGolf
, TheMaxedout
, Lothior
, Daedalus_Above
, Guitarzan
, Khal_Thrax
, Hobo
, HandyAndy
, Beaches
, Bloodsport
, Brikka_Brakka
, orbiter688
, Goldfinger00799
, Keplin
, Karmie
, Zeon
, freebird
, Lucic17_Bourque77
, Ronson44
, Big_Dylan
, Colonel Fouts
, sarpikos
, OneDeagz
, Chottic
, Waggel
, youalrightbro
, Tomatopastemoose
, Ni Meleth Li
, strahd
, Buckwild
, ZekeTheKamikaze
, ChezyBacn
, Jason Bouchard
, Austin
, kanex
, aristriah
, mrpopnfresh
, Wargramps
, Sirs81
, Starshine
, Bannor4
, GARKKeepars
, CoderedKilla
, Naceo
, Cozmic
, k0mmandant
, lurkinwilli
, Micah
, wicked
, Mister_Torsten
, mike6512
, ChrissyV
, OrangishPurple
, Trem Fantasma
, johnnypats2
, Zooks
, acunningone
, Ziam12
, Ahur
, EliZacharias
, RedneckCasanova
, Shion
, roughneck4321
, TehShortbusTest
, DunnaStunna
, Agent Maryland
, theranger7
, lVladdog
, Obvious
, wunder
, Drunkjedi
, Ayumi
, StillbornTitan
, Apatz
, beast666
, PropheC
, Bl33db4me666
, =Lagger=
, Vlad
, tookieroberts
, Faugh_a_Ballagh
, Diffuse
, Suds
, Zer0Dark30
, Whiteboy
, Borgscout
, PiMichel
, Phopant
, MagenShae
, Vishnej
, Cyborg75
, Ninja
, Gneisler
, OverWatch
, ThePewPewLayzr
, HeplMeh
, Baconalia
, TidesRollin
, yurisan
, Antigone
, War_God
, OG MrClean 4L
, cursivearmy
, Depletion
, xaftrshock
, Rugerdie
, Edget
, Yaa Yaa
, Tigger2017
, Takeover
, Nick
, Breech
, Aurum
, Bowgetta
, SaiRoland
, Neechee
, junitho92
, Jonas
, Peyton
, Bahumbug2u2
, Cowboy_Killer_463
, Tallion_Warrior
, Wilfred
, Paula_George
, Cake
, McCosh
, DogMonster
, Tankerotomy
, Deadeye2033
, Possum_marksman
, TheSaltyMahwah
, TehShortbusTest2
, TehShortbusTest3
, TehShortbusTest4
, TehShortbusTest55
, Wellthatsnotgood
, little_MAN_1027
, LoverBoyUSA
, vbrockv
, Static-Bullet
, Heaney
, Kaz
, Decibel
, Hampz
, RedBeard
, EasyGaming
, DMHemmi1
, Umadchallenger
, Killerpopcorn
, BrodoSwaggins
, TimtheBigDaddy
, Josappy
, Nadon
, BazingaThat
, 30_tonn_ninja
, Fatman
, SubZeroZid
, DonavonR
, DKChef
, Secondo
, Ximzabar
, Pebcak
, Wraith
, Ramrodski
, Destry
, tango
, hmantheawsome
, LedMedic343
, coolengineer
, BoredHero
, hosey187
, Gord
, H4V0C
, Zkterror
, lou133
, Thinner
, Sacu
, Yebbert
, Selica
, bubbastump
, Rockdwg
, Leetsauce
, mpLsPhilly
, NycEclipse
, Chewtoi
, UnknownSniperD
, Flapjack
, Aaron
, jmkrazy
, Spezerei
, Grant
, WiskeyJak
, Barman
, Zer0_Point
, pointdexter
, Monk269
, chbix
, Loaded Monkey
, gatorontheloose
, Philimon
, DthJester
, ClericSandman
, SkullSmasher
, Drayus
, Samn
, XrayPunk
, Zerric
, Lucasoar
, Shawnzee
, Bernout
, Caddyshack
, Ronaldmcpwncakes
, RubberRudder
, Captain_Dilbert
, Ravhir
, iCrAzY75
, Sameoldg
, Lufty
, Caffeine
, JayBee
, Thorne
, Steel
, SatansBurrito
, Killersoldier1
, darrylwilcox95
, Tumblin
, Phoenix
, LurchRTS
, Dwight
, KolaRice
, nick1009
, Konfliction
, Droc
, Jesse
, ZarX
, bdave
, Marley
, vipersnake57
, TinyMarine
, Nepoleon
, HundoHelix
, RossaLuna
, Skrem
, tobiasblack07
, Pafire
, D4RK-_-
, SubOhms
, Otrovakruf
, Snowy
, XBombtek
, Unclepappy
, Helmut
, enlyghten
, Jaidis
, Kingmoses
, Donkey69
, lionhartsteel
, Thumper_E23
, Senji
, lancerous92
, Caotyk
, Tck
, Kahmu84
, AfLoganStan
, ArmyAl
, Weekly
, Akado
, hotdogman527
, ke5wtj
, Polybeast
, Enigster
, Cieljek
, Sam
, CoknLok
, V1P3R617
, Lethal dose
, Denbolv
, WhiskeyAlpha7
, CanadianKid98
, beast
, MrRed
, cchap
, Tython
, Hobo_GT
, Pes_45
, jreasondunn
, Arnwulf
, Wolfhound73
, Sigismund
, ButteredToastTV
, Squidage
, Cricket Soldier
, NofxShun
, Zarnicolas
, Sir-Dome
, Airegin
, Saint
, Klownpsycho42
, Herbert
, .SpydeR
, twofkbrotal
, Ischemia
, Zerbbz
, Tdp12
, tripwolkje
, L3tum
, Antykain
, D-Ler
, Blunts
, Quad Fortunis
, Rayturd
, JudeSaint
, Kumaa
, abelzw
, ezwiggy23
, Shancey
, andreus618
, Qybixxx
, Murlokk
, WeterWater
, ItsDoctorJ
, Vol
, cosm0
, Hurley
, RedBull_21
, d0gz1lla
, Joe_Dumb
, Wild_Bill_Peacock
, Unlucky Star
, Franch
, KnightmareMoon
, iTzHoff
, RogueShadow
, DarkFireWolfe57
, Rikan
, Rythcan
, 2Step
, AncientOne
, Shacklackey
, Ratt35
, ShooterAK
, Blighty
, Aarmina
, 21pokemon12
, Mysterious Powers
, Konigiya
, Valin63
, noname118
, Potato_Nose
, SPQA_Legion
, SoftInsanity
, Negklar
, Kalevel
, tiggerib
, KisukeNephilim
, 1stmasterdragonqueen
, Spartuz
, Red
, halolord1023
, Gridlock14
, xXImmortusXx
, AaronT
, Locksly
, SatansAce
, Meeks
, TheWookieWay
, CaptnBellamy
, WildGinger85
, Mjank
, Phantom Rogue
, duo555
, Antihero
, chnchapters
, Anarchy
, WarDaddy
, Slob
, seahunter
, Ranger
, Action7447
, SkullCracker
, thmadtinker
, Postal Psychosis
, ShotgundZombie
, Ralph
, kazyclay
, Casper
, Static
, ScaryT
, Prose_Hack
, AblativeNate
, AnchorSnake
, Enderdrp
, Commander_Blitzleader24
, Catwrestler
, Pixi
, UristMcJungler
, Hangry_Hippo
, a_bard
, JesterGR
, humboldtNation
, demondragon
, chrisbug2394
, trizvi96
, MacTatoes
, harleiquill