Award: Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal
Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal
Awarded to any =VX9= member who have voluntarily contributed to the growth and stability of =VX9= through monetary contributions.
Members who received this award: 239
, BigDawg
, Ripper
, PapaBear
, Jamooz
, MaDLiNgO
, CdnAirborne
, GimP
, Kindbud
, Ab|es
, Warpig007
, spanky
, Warthog
, rahzel
, Hollowpoint
, GenSeneca
, Domn8r
, WalPOW
, JeSter
, LastMan101
, Carver
, Dojan
, LionusRex
, R.A.T.X8
, PiG
, Samurai
, WarChick
, AlphaWolf
, Stryker
, GreenEyed
, R3ruN
, Surge
, Sm0k3d_2
, Bravetoaster
, usiris
, Penguin
, xBEERx
, herpesore
, pieces
, Bodasmoke
, acidic
, Silentsteel101
, silvwarrior
, Fazed
, Stankyl3g
, Bang
, shadowolf
, darkmatter
, fireseal
, Big Kahuna
, Carm
, ThePh3nom
, Th3PurpleSmurf
, couch982
, DrewwDogg
, Haus
, Vormex
, Hugostiglitz
, Azure
, syrus64209
, Animus41
, Dunkelschatten
, Falcon
, Arretez
, slider1578
, WidowMaker
, IceMarbles
, Slayer2218
, RedMonster
, muldreck
, Detonated
, strobe1965
, CharlieTriGuy
, moeron88
, Stockwrangler
, CounterAttack22
, Dano
, Porkchopz
, KillH4wk
, xeno360
, Dessel
, LowBridge
, Oopsidied
, John_Bigbootay
, Wesker
, TehShortbus
, SilentDragon
, Lawlikaust
, 8Bitties
, Cheekaay
, ISpeakJive
, Unknown
, The Creepler
, Chief
, Bigbadpete54
, NavyJonathan
, Angry Cub
, Cert
, Mac
, Von Reinthaler
, ShadyBastard
, Shreeden
, northofnowhere
, EvvoSO
, Major Woopaz
, Paul_On_Mars
, Broncs
, Savage
, BeerGolf
, TheMaxedout
, Lothior
, Khal_Thrax
, Hobo
, Bloodsport
, Karmie
, youalrightbro
, Buckwild
, aristriah
, Sirs81
, Starshine
, GARKKeepars
, lurkinwilli
, Micah
, wicked
, mike6512
, lee1984
, Jimbos87
, acunningone
, Ziam12
, EliZacharias
, RedneckCasanova
, Crypto7
, Sakkara
, Drunkjedi
, Ayumi
, PropheC
, Zer0Dark30
, Whiteboy
, Thorold35
, NorthernDrifter
, dj shawn
, HeplMeh
, Baconalia
, Mattrik
, yurisan
, cursivearmy
, Depletion
, smokingdutch
, Yaa Yaa
, Takeover
, Breech
, Bowgetta
, Zephyr041
, Turb
, rottenglory
, Peyton
, TJPowers10
, Hanz_Von_Umpsy
, Green_V1per
, Wilfred
, McCosh
, DogMonster
, wired4gaming
, merkdog
, Larrs
, Heaney
, Kaz
, PirateNinjaJesus
, kaiju
, Xicotl
, EasyGaming
, Xxcus32xX
, DMHemmi1
, Umadchallenger
, Killerpopcorn
, Ciggzy
, Fatman
, Destry
, Gord
, Thinner
, bubbastump
, mpLsPhilly
, jmkrazy
, gatorontheloose
, Bernout
, Lufty
, JayBee
, thedark1ntrud3r
, darrylwilcox95
, Tumblin
, Droc
, Marley
, Skrem
, SubOhms
, Akado
, Raegx
, Cieljek
, Sam
, beast
, cchap
, Wolfhound73
, ButteredToastTV
, Zarnicolas
, Airegin
, GN-X
, D-Ler
, Azz Kicker
, Quad Fortunis
, abelzw
, Shancey
, Jestah
, Vol
, Hurley
, THxJellyMan
, ShooterAK
, Dodexous
, noname118
, Kalevel
, Spartuz
, Red
, SatansAce
, TheWookieWay
, RockyBalbroa
, Lindsbeard
, WarDaddy
, Super
, Deliberant
, SkullCracker
, Mr. Ruf
, ScaryT
, AblativeNate