Award: Meritorious Service Medal
Meritorious Service Medal
Awarded to members of =VX9= who distinguished themselves by outstanding voluntary service.
Members who received this award: 64
, Kindbud
, Domn8r
, GreenEyed
, R3ruN
, Bravetoaster
, Tyrant
, MrSnippy
, fireseal
, thepang
, Rux
, Mr Grim
, DrewwDogg
, zilko
, dancingbulldawg
, LightningWaffle
, Clunas
, Vormex
, syrus64209
, Dunkelschatten
, Joddes
, WidowMaker
, Gettysburg_1863
, Divercity
, Oxblood
, RedMonster
, Tawmcruize
, muldreck
, CharlieTriGuy
, Dano
, ForgotN
, cake_pan
, KillH4wk
, Dessel
, General_Hyde
, Elitereaper
, LowBridge
, TehShortbus
, Lawlikaust
, 8Bitties
, gnorman
, sufak
, RedRaven44
, shadowknight14
, Bigbadpete54
, Edison Severasse
, mdjones4
, Angry Cub
, ashy larry
, Von Reinthaler
, Shreeden
, northofnowhere
, Major Woopaz
, Reaper0217
, Dragule
, Broncs
, MajorJJ
, thorper
, Silbern
, Lothior
, Slayer
, Disintegrate