Published on 08-25-2017 06:07 AM

Drunken Battle Friday - 9:00PM EST
PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds
Please join us as we kick off our first official Shadow Company DBF event. For this week we are going to keep it simple. Starting at 9pm EST - Midnight EST, members will do whatever it takes to obtain as many top 5 placements as possible. To qualify, you will need to take a screenshot when the round ends during either Duo's or Squad matches. Points will be given out as follows:
1st Place 10 Points
2nd Place 7 Points
3rd Place 5 Points
4th Place 3 Points
5th Place 1 Point
Top 3 teams with the most points during the time frame will win prizes. These prizes are TBD and will be anncouned prior to the event. Please arrive early if you have any questions or unsure who you are going to team up with. All screenshots will have to be saved online either steam cloud or other image sharing websites. Please send those screenshots at the end of the event or if you finish early, before you log.
Good luck all!
1 GC, Koozie, Decal
Raffle this week will be between 1 and 100
Prize for this weeks raffle is a Decal!
Please Post a numbers for a chance at each prize!
In the event of a duplicate post, first post wins.
In the event of a tie Lowest number wins.
Good Luck!!!