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=VX9= Monthly State of the Community Omega company update Omega member of the month Star Citizen game update H1Z1 game update Upcoming games for March Cooking with =VX9= |
Sergeant Major: Hugostiglitz acidic |
First Sergeant: WidowMaker |
Sergeant First Class: Bodasmoke TheBomerDude |
Staff Sergeant: Cheekaay |
Corporal: Bloodsport |
Sergeant: Agent Maryland Baconalia ChrissyV |
Corporal: OG MrClean 4L |
Specialist: Larrs lightseid Wellthatsnotgood |
Private First Class: TucciMayne Bisra Josappy Robert "Sloth" Maag |
No Promotions in Nova Company this month. |
Sergeant: Neechee |
Corporal: Blank Chumley Diehard EasyGaming Heaney KRYPT3CH lee1984 LizardKing M16 BONG Madman_Williams merkdog MuddyRaccoon RedBeard s1mcdaredevil vbrockv |
Specialist: BazingaThat covajo9 JuanCena Nikkosk1 psychoanaconda Rommel roughneck4321 Saabo The Hun Skullviking TimtheBigDaddy Trauma Toyz Umadchallenger Uncle Dan VF33 Xicotl BrodoSwaggins |
Private First Class: Caseclosed D3feated Fatman GGfrosty Gloomshroud Gord LedMedic343 Mahed McCosh Nadon sobektheman Ximzabar |
Sergeant Major: Laeviathin |
First Sergeant: Azumazi |
Sergeant First Class: OrangishPurple |
Staff Sergeant: Bahumbug2u2 |
Specialist: 2009mustanggtcs |
Private First Class: Benrix coolengineer CRTaylor517 Cyanine Drunk_n_Irish hmantheawsome Mr.Rabbit Nemo187 Quekel Ravaeron SpencerPhoenix tango |
Sergeant First Class: shadowknight14 |
Sergeant: Beaches |
Corporal: KilleR_P3nGuiN Zooks |
Specialist: Killerpopcorn Hampz |
Private First Class: B4db0y_14 Destry DigitalWraith Ignarus Whisk3yDan Galigher H4V0C Mivvgrowler nate Sacu Selica Yebbert Zkterror Crimsonsleep Rockdwg Bater Chillvik Thinner Virus NycEclipse UnknownSniperD LunchFactory Pebcak Grande Anomalie |
No Promotions in Whiskey Company this month. |
Sergeant First Class: chuckluss |
Staff Sergeant: War_God_Rudianos |
Sergeant: Gneisler PiMichel |
Corporal: little_MAN_1027 Vampy1001 |
Specialist: cat_soup magikfingers Owen |
Private First Class: 30_tonn_ninja DonavonR FrekiofOdin G_frizzle17 KaiserSmoke LethalPredator MadDogBlack SGTJames84 unfnkymnky vinrag Wilson Wromper Xadrian_Ramos Xanadin Ziaka |
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