
  • =VX9= Drunken Battle Friday!

    Friday is here at last, run out and restock those beverages because it's another great night of DBF!

    TURKEY SHOOT @ 8pm EST - ...One drive and one sharpshooter pair up against other teams looking to get the highest kill count for the event. Only the sharpshooter can fire but road kills are a thing. Cars and motorcycles only. Check out the Alpha DBF topic for more info or to enter their raffle.

    TBA @ ?pm EST - ...

    FREE PLAY FRIDAY @ 11pm EST - Show up at the start time and undertake whatever adventures sound fun at the moment...and after a few drinks. Check out the Nova DBF topic to enter their raffle.

    CAPTURE THE FLAG @ 10pm EST - Teams will hide a tent on their side of the area. Goal is to take the opposing teams tent and return it to your teams tent without getting tagged. To tag someone you need to punch them, no shooting or stabbing will result in your DQ. Once tagged, return to your side of the field before attempting to take the opponents tent. Prizes go to each teams MVP. Check out the Omega DBF topic where you can find more info and enter their raffle.

    ICE BUSTER @ 9pm EST - Isotopes and ice product stores are running low so this weeks event is focused on bringing stocks back up. Grab a tanked t1/t2 mining ship with combat drones and if you've got an alt, grab a Miasmos. Escorts are always welcomed so help keep the mining fleet safe if mining isn't your thing. For more info and to enter the raffle, check out the Phoenix Company DBF topic.

    SQUAD PARTY @ 9:30pm EST - Players are going to squad up this week and attempt to get into the same matches. No pub will be safe this night! No set battle ranking or game mode so those present get to call the shots. Check out the Thunder DBF topic for more info or to enter their raffle with a twist.

    FOX HUNT @ ?pm EST - ...The Fox Hunt is back, can you beat the best time? The fox picks a tank and has one minute to hide. After that, everyone else in tanks ~2 tiers higher hunt the fox. The fox can fire back, which is always entertaining. Check out the Zulu DBF topic for more info or to enter their raffle.


    We have 1x decal, 2x game codes to hand out this a bonus prize courtesy of Conspiracy!
    Bonus prize this week is a copy of Batman Arkham Knight!

    Guess a number between 27-77. Numbers closest to allocated prize will win, tie breaker goes to lowest of the two numbers.

    Have suggestions or ideas for a DBF event or contest? Don't hesitate to reach out to myself or your divisional Special Events Coordinator.

    This article was originally published in forum thread: =VX9= Drunken Battle Friday! started by Dunkelschatten View original post
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