
  • Welcome to our new HOME!

     Today is a new day in the history of our great community. We have for the past 8 years enjoyed a great home in our old website. It proved to serve all our needs and then some. However through the years we have grown to need more.

     We embarked on a mission to Build us a new home. It is with great pride that today I get to Open the doors to our new Website and Say Come on in. Welcome to our new home!

     This new site will allow us to automate so many of the backend processes that we have till now done manually. It will also allow us to give more access to those that need it in order to get the job done. This new home doesnt just look great but it is a fully functional MACHINE!

     Our last Website was with us for 8 of our almost 15 years . This one will surely give us a good run as well. I cant wait to explore the ins and outs of our new site in detail. I hope you all are as excited as I am As well.

    I want to ask for everyone's patience and understanding as we Move forward the next few days ironing out any issues or problems that may arise.

     I want thank everyone that has put in countless hours and effort into
    the creation of our new home. Fireseal, Shortbus and team have gone
    above and beyond to help us build our new home.

     Our Community May have a new Look but we are still the great =VX9= Community that many have tried to imitate but never duplicate. Once again we set the example for other communities to Follow.

    Here is to the future my =VX9= Family!

    =VX9= Salute!
    Commanding Officer of =VX9=

    Comments 8 Comments
    1. Von Reinthaler's Avatar
      Von Reinthaler -
      Very nice work! Thank you to everyone who contributed their valuable time and skills. ONE TEAM!
    1. Kaburan's Avatar
      Kaburan -
      Great work guys
    1. EagerFusillade's Avatar
      EagerFusillade -
      The new site looks great! I'm glad it's making the staffs jobs easier. More time for them to game it up with everyone.

      ONE TEAM!
    1. Mac's Avatar
      Mac -
      I just love that new site smell.
      Don't forget to change the oil every 3000 posts.
    1. ZISMAN's Avatar
      ZISMAN -
      Great work! Love the new look. Would like to thank everyone who worked so hard putting a lot of effort on the new website.

      ONE TEAM!

    1. Danrski's Avatar
      Danrski -
      Looks good in here.
    1. Fatalerror's Avatar
      Fatalerror -
      Our new sight looks great guys! Very nice job.
    1. spanky's Avatar
      spanky -
      AWESOME!!!!! Great Work!!!!!
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    How I want my coffee
    How I want my coffee by Kildar
  • =VX9= Teamspeak 3